The PSOE managed to save 8.48 million euros in 2022, which is 3.36 million less than in 2021, after having repaid 4.1 million of bank debt. For this year, gross income of 89.34 million euros is expected, compared to an expense forecast of 84.53 million, according to the financial statements and party budgets to which Europa Press has had access.

These are the accounts that were approved by the leadership of the PSOE at the meeting of the Federal Committee in which the budget for the electoral campaign of the generals on July 23 was also approved, amounting to 17.6 million euro.

According to the income statement, the PSOE achieved savings in the 2022 financial year of 8.48 million euros compared to 11.84 million in 2021. This result occurs after discounting the electoral expenses of the past financial year, in which elections in Castilla y León and Andalusia and also impairments and losses from the disposal of financial investments that amounted to 513,496 euros.

The autonomous elections of Castilla y León and Andalusia represented a negative balance for the ‘socialists’ between subsidies for electoral results and expenses of the operations of electoral activity of 1.19 million, as reflected in the income statement. Without counting the electoral appointments, the positive result of the PSOE of the ordinary activity would have been 11.14 million euros.

The PSOE budget for the 2023 financial year maintains the application of the Guarantee Plan for Economic Stability and Financial Autonomy. This plan foresees generating its own monetary reserves with the objective of “facing the current electoral cycle.” To this end, it contemplates reserving and maintaining a minimum of 40 percent of the annual surpluses of territorial structures, parliamentary groups in Cortes Generales, autonomous parliaments and legislative assemblies.

Also and facing the electoral cycle, the PSOE contemplates resorting again to microcredits. This is reflected in this budget by stating that “the complexity of the electoral cycle requires meticulous planning of this resource.” The objective is to avoid possible treasury tensions resulting from the successive holding of elections in combination with the long terms established in the current legislation for the liquidation and accounting closure of electoral processes.

With these premises, the socialists have made the 2023 Budget, in which the forecast of gross income is 89.34 million euros which, with the budgetary adjustments for institutional deliveries of the PSOE and the municipal level that add up to 22.4 million, they remain at 67.18 million euros.

According to this Budget, the ordinary income of public origin will be 45.72 million euros, while the quotas, contributions and donations amount to 20.77 million. Of this last amount, income from affiliate fees represents 9.9 million; the contributions of public officials will be 10.61 million and the expected donations amount to 255,473 euros.

Regarding gross expenses, the forecast budget is 84.53 million, which after adjustments for internal institutional and municipal transfers, remains at 63.54 million. The largest item is for Human Resources (26 million), followed by operating expenses (23.38 million).

And within this last reference, public events account for a large part, reaching 8.9 million, a figure much higher than that of 2022, which was 5.1 million.

As regards indebtedness, the PSOE has continued to clean up its accounts to avoid depending as much as possible on bank financing. To do this, it has amortized 4.1 million euros of debts with the banks, going from owing 19.69 million to financial institutions to having a debt of 15.59 million, that is, 21 percent less, as stated in the balance of situation of the party to December.

Of the 15.59 million that it still owes to the banks, 3.34 million are short-term debts, while the long-term debt amounts to 12.24 million euros. The latter is the one that has been reduced the most during the year 2022.

The debt reduction program applied by the PSOE has allowed Pedro Sánchez’s party to go from owing 45.4 million euros to banks in 2019 to the current 15.59 million in the last four years. Amortization of 29.81 million euros to date. The largest repayment of the debt occurred in the 2020 financial year, when the debt was lowered to 27.2 million and in 2021 it went to 19.69 million.