The PSOE maintains that the third vice president and head of the list for the European elections, Teresa Ribera, “will oppose” any pact with the European extreme right, including the party of the Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, and on the other hand, they consider that the PP by Alberto Núñez Feijóo yes it will. In this way, the socialists respond to criticism from the PP and Podemos, who accuse them of wanting to agree with Meloni’s party and of falling into contradictions.

In this sense, Ferraz sources assure that Ribera “has opposed, opposes and will oppose” both in Spain and in Europe to agreeing with the extreme right. “The question of this electoral campaign is whether the PP will endorse the pact with the European VOX. Yesterday Feijóo clearly said yes,” they point out and therefore they consider that there are only two options for citizens: “or more Europe, with Teresa Ribera, or more extreme right, with the PP and Feijóo”.

In this way, the socialists try to make their red lines clear after the elections to the European Parliament on June 9, after this Friday the Podemos candidate, Irene Montero, accused Ribera of wanting to make an agreement with Meloni to join the far-right to the command center of the European Union “with the excuse of war.”

Montero has referred, in this way, to an interview that Ribera gave to the Vocento group, published last Sunday, in which, when asked if it would be possible to reach pacts with the Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), he stated that “it depends on the arithmetic” that comes out of the polls and if the proposals “they make are in accordance with the values ​​of more Europe, respect for democracy and the rules of the game”, which would mean “a reintegration into European normality”.

The Popular Party has also echoed these statements by Ribera and has accused her of falling “into her own contradictions”, after in their opinion the socialist candidate has opened up to collaborating with Meloni’s group, according to party sources. PP.

Feijóo’s team reacted by censoring the “contradictions” of the PSOE after Ribera had charged against the PP for the demonstrations that Feijóo made in Barcelona this Thursday, when he assured that Meloni’s party does not seem “homologable to other parties that consider themselves of extreme right in Europe”.

Before these words from the leader of the opposition, Ribera has asked the president of the PP to clarify whether his party will “agree” behind the European rallies with the Fratelli d’Italia formation, led by Meloni.

“Here there is not a good far-right and a bad far-right, but rather a project that clashes head-on with the values ​​of rights, freedom of expression and democracy that Europe has always defended,” Ribera said in statements to Canal Sur Radio.