The PSOE spokesperson in Congress, Patxi López, has expressed his concern about the “violence” of some protests in the agricultural sector and has criticized the call organized by some groups to take tractor units to the socialist headquarters on Ferraz Street, since he sees a “political intention” different from the demands of the field.

“We are concerned about violence,” López said in an interview on the National Radio Parliament program, reported by Europa Press, when asked about the demonstrations in the countryside and the road closures that have been occurring in several autonomous communities. .

He has clarified that the PSOE respects “absolutely all” the right to protest and even shares “part” of the demands, but what they “do not respect at all”, and therefore “are not going to assume it”, is the violence that It has been seen in some cases in these calls, because according to the socialist spokesperson, “violence delegitimizes even the causes that provoke the protests.”

López sees it as “surprising” that these protests are encouraged by the PP after the ‘popular’ have voted against measures promoted by the socialists such as the food chain law or the decrees of aid to farmers and transporters due to the increase in the cost of transport. prices

As he explained, the Executive is going to reform and reinforce compliance with the food chain law so that it is even “more consistent and more mandatory”, as requested by the agricultural sector and he is “convinced” that the Minister of Agriculture himself , Luis Planas, will take the lead in negotiating bureaucratic reduction in Europe with the aid of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).