The Spanish Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence (AESIA) will begin to function effectively within a maximum period of three months, according to the Royal Decree approving the statute of the organization, a document published this Saturday in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

The Council of Ministers approved on August 22 the statute of this body that is attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence and with which Spain becomes the first European country to have an organ of these characteristics.

The Agency, which will be based in A Coruña and with which Spain also anticipates the entry into force of the European Artificial Intelligence Regulation, has the objective of being “key” in managing and leading the Spanish ecosystem of responsible artificial intelligence.

This task will be carried out through voluntary supervision until the entry of the European regulations on artificial intelligence through quality and responsibility seals, relations with the European ecosystem that will promote the development of the Pact for Artificial Intelligence, the Code of Good Practices for Generative Artificial Intelligence, produced within the Council for Trade and Technology between the United States and the EU, as well as the generation of regulated test environments that allow innovators and developers of high-risk artificial intelligence systems to be launched or general purpose responsibly.

In addition, the agency will have some operational guides for the implementation of the requirements of the European regulations on artificial intelligence that will use them to generate knowledge among the ecosystem about compliance with the requirements, as well as support in the changes that need to be made. to ensure such compliance, as detailed in the statute.

In the constitutive session for its implementation, the head of the Agency’s Directorate will also be appointed, at the proposal of the person in charge of the Presidency.