The Unified Police Union (SUP) announced this Wednesday that it will denounce the acting Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, for the Honorary Red Cross awarded to the president of the Constitutional Court (TC), Cándido Conde Pumpido, who seeks to “gain favors “for the benefit of the Government.

As announced, the SUP “will not only appeal said decoration but will denounce the current acting Minister of the Interior for a crime of prevarication.”

In the opinion of the SUP, Conde Pumpido does not meet the requirements for the distinction of the National Police and, in addition, questions “the moment” chosen to include him in the list of annual recognitions, coinciding with the debate on the constitutionality of an amnesty for the prosecuted in the ‘procés’, which the pro-independence parties demand to support the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

“It seems that what underlies all this is a political maneuver to gain favors in the TC by its Government,” the SUP has pointed out.

The SUP maintains that Conde Pumpido, who was Attorney General of the State, “does not meet the minimum requirements to be a recipient of such a decoration” and also remembers that in the past they filed a complaint against him for his statements in which he “accused the National Police of not prosecuting crimes”.

In 2009, the Supreme Court inadmissible the complaint filed by several police unions against the then State Attorney General after stating that the Police did not collaborate sufficiently in the investigations into the candidacies of Askatasuna and D3M for the elections in the Basque Country.