Thousands of people, according to the organizers, participated this Sunday in the demonstrations held in Seville and Malaga by the Marea Verde Platform against privatization and demanding the improvement of public education under the motto ‘Without public education the future is over’

The Seville protest took place between the San Telmo Palace and Las Setas de la Encarnación in a very festive atmosphere, with batucada and many families, and, according to the National Police, “about 800 people” participated, a figure that the organizers they raise “up to 10,000.” The march has had the support of the spokesperson for Education of the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Parliament of Andalusia, Susana Rivas, the general secretary of the PSOE of Seville, Javier Fernández, and the parliamentary spokesperson for Adelante Andalucía, José Ignacio García.

For its part, in Malaga, the Green Tide has pointed out that “there are more than 1,000” people who have supported this protest, which, like in Seville, took place without incident and ended in the Plaza de la Merced — It began in the Plaza de la Marina– with the reading of a manifesto and the testimonies of representatives of PTIS en Lucha, Union of Students and Teachers in Lucha. The general coordinator of IU Andalucía and Sumar deputy in Congress, Toni Valero, attended it.

The platform assures that it has been denouncing for more than a decade “the progressive privatization and precariousness” that public education has been suffering, to add that “more than 2,000 classes have been lost” in Andalusian centers during the PP governments in Andalusia, This is also the second region that invests the least in education per student in the entire state.

Marea Verde emphasizes that there are “numerous problems” that schools currently suffer from, which leads to a “worsening” of educational quality, highlighting that classrooms are “overcrowded, with very high and often illegal ratios, the lack of resources and teachers and, especially, specific teachers who can serve students with educational needs, the most vulnerable students in the system”.

On the other hand, it states that the majority of educational centers are still not bioclimatized due to “non-compliance” with the Bioclimatization Law, which “has not even been provided with a budget in the three years it has been in force,” which is He adds that it is common to find facilities and infrastructure that are “deficient and that even put the safety of the educational community at risk.”

The platform also denounces that many teachers “are forced” to practice in specialties for which they have not taken a competitive exam, which represents “a hidden cut” from the Andalusian Government. At the same time, it adds, it is “more concerned” in subsidize private and concerted education from preschool and primary schools to training cycles and universities, while “abandoning” public universities and vocational training “leaving Andalusian students with no alternative” to continue their studies after leaving the institutes.