At least three Spanish tourists have died and another has been injured this Friday in a shooting carried out by unidentified armed men in the city of Bamiyan, in central Afghanistan, as confirmed by Foreign Affairs sources, in contact with the Delegation of the European Union in the area.

The Ministry is working, through the Consular Emergency Unit, to clarify the circumstances, assist those affected with everything they need and contact their families, the same sources have reported.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has expressed himself “overwhelmed by the news of the murder of Spanish tourists in Afghanistan.” “I am following the situation punctually,” Sánchez wrote on the social network and friends of the deceased.

The spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of the Interior, Abdulmatin Qani, has confirmed that one Afghan has died, while four other foreigners and three nationals have been injured in the shooting, which took place in the city of Bamiyan, capital of the province of the same name. At the moment, authorities have arrested four suspects.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this accident, expresses its deep sympathy to the families of the victims and assures that all criminals will be found and punished,” he added.

Spain has closed its Embassy in Kabul since August 2021, when the Taliban took power. In its travel recommendations published on its website, Foreign Affairs recommends “not traveling under any circumstances to Afghanistan” and “remember that there is a risk of kidnapping or attack throughout the country.”