The Professional Association of the Superior Corps of State Treasury Inspectors (IHE) has expressed this Thursday its “frontal and absolute” rejection of the agreements for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government since, among those agreements, “there is a “clearly and evidently breaks the current constitutional regime in several matters, among which is financial matters.”

The association has criticized those agreements that, under the recognition of a historical singularity, demand the transfer of all the taxes paid in Catalonia, demanding that the PSOE adopt measures that allow financial autonomy and the review of the current model of financing of said autonomous community.

For this association, the demand for the transfer of performance could imply the transfer of all powers, including those currently exercised by the Tax Agency in Catalonia, so its group would be “seriously and directly affected, as will be other groups belonging to to other bodies of the General Administration of the State”.

This group of professionals has stressed that this situation implies “without a doubt the breach of article 14” of the Constitution on equality between all Spaniards, since it “in fact” allows the existence of “first-class autonomous communities and second, as well as the violation of the prohibition of the arbitrariness of public powers, enshrined in article 9 of the Magna Carta”.

The association has framed these claims in the investiture pacts that Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE has reached with other political formations, such as Junts, from which, according to the inspectors, “the abuse of power and the State institutions that have “The sole purpose is to serve the general interests of all Spaniards, and they result in favorable treatment, without any legal protection, towards a part of the Spaniards who reside in a territory of the nation.”

For all these reasons, IHE has made an “urgent call for the recovery of rationality, common sense, the principles that inspire our constitutional regime and the search for stable political consensus that achieves unity, moves away from confrontation and represent, ultimately, the vast majority of the Spanish nation”.