Permanent hiring decreased by 19.6% in the last year and represents 44.8% of the total, while temporary hiring decreased by 13.1%


Unemployment registered in the offices of public employment services rose by 19,768 people in September in relation to the previous month (0.7%) driven, above all, by the services sector, which concentrated a good part of the increase in unemployment due to the end of the tourist season. With the increase in September, two consecutive months of increases in unemployment have already accumulated.

At the end of the ninth month of the year, the total number of unemployed remained above the barrier of 2.7 million people, from which it had fallen for the first time in 15 years last June.

Specifically, September ended with 2,722,468 people unemployed, still marking its lowest figure in a month of September since 2008, according to data published this Tuesday by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.

The rise in unemployment in September of this year is the worst record in this month since 2018, a year in which it increased by just over 20,400 people. In September of last year, the increase in unemployment was 17,679 unemployed, while in 2021 and 2020 decreases were recorded due to de-escalation and the return to normality after the hardest months of the pandemic.

Since the beginning of the comparable historical series, in 1996, unemployment has fallen in September on five occasions and has risen on 23 occasions, especially in 2008 and 2011, years in which monthly increases of more than 95,000 unemployed people were recorded.

In the last year, unemployment accumulated a decrease of 219,451 unemployed, which represents 7.46% less, with a decline in female unemployment of 118,023 women (-6.7%) and a fall in male unemployment of 101,428 men (- 8.6%).

The Department headed by Yolanda Díaz has highlighted that September is a month in which unemployment usually rises due to the seasonal trend. In fact, in seasonally adjusted terms, unemployment fell in September of this year by 3,736 people.

Unemployment was reduced in September in construction, with 3,718 fewer unemployed than in August (-1.7%); in agriculture, where it decreased by 2,100 people (-2%), and in industry, which left 184 unemployed (-0.09%). On the other hand, it increased in services by 18,820 people (0.98%) due to the end of the tourist season, and in the group without previous employment, where it increased by 6,950 people (2.8%).

Unemployment increased in September in both sexes, although somewhat more among women. Specifically, female unemployment rose by 11,422 women (0.7%), compared to a rise in male unemployment of 8,346 men (0.8%).

Thus, at the end of September, the total number of unemployed women stood at 1,640,863 unemployed, while the number of unemployed men totaled 1,081,605 unemployed.

By age, unemployment among young people under 25 years of age increased by 9.07% in September, with 17,043 more unemployed than at the end of August, while unemployment among people aged 25 and over increased by 2,725 unemployed ( 0 ,1%).

Labor has highlighted that the total number of unemployed people under 25 years of age reached 205,000 unemployed at the end of September, the lowest figure for this month in the last 15 years.

Registered unemployment rose in September in eleven autonomous communities and fell in six, especially in Catalonia (-3,440 unemployed), the Canary Islands (-2,831 unemployed) and the Basque Country (-1,933 unemployed).

The largest increases occurred in Andalusia (15,949 unemployed), Madrid (3,358 unemployed) and Galicia, which added 2,918 unemployed people in the month of September.

As for the provinces, unemployment fell in September in 15 of them, especially in Barcelona (-3,537 unemployed) and Valencia (-1,932), and increased in 37, mainly in Cádiz (5,352 unemployed), Madrid (3,358) and Málaga (3.312).

Registered unemployment among foreigners increased by 6,049 unemployed compared to the previous month (1.8%), bringing the total number of unemployed immigrants to 342,208, which represents 23,536 fewer unemployed than a year before (-6.4%).

In September, 1,392,205 contracts were registered, 16.2% less than in the same month of 2022. Of all of them, 623,439 were permanent contracts, a figure 19.6% lower than that of September 2022.

In total, 44.78% of the contracts made in September were indefinite, a percentage more than six points higher than that registered in August, when the proportion of permanent contracts was 38.47%.

Of the total permanent contracts signed in September, 249,078 have been full-time, 16.5% less than in the same month last year; 214,192 were permanent-discontinuous contracts (-23.8%) and 160,169 were part-time indefinite contracts (-18.4%).

Of all the contracts signed in September, 768,766 were temporary contracts, 13.1% less than in the same month of 2022.

In the first nine months of the year, just over five million permanent contracts have been signed, 4.1% less than in the same period of 2022, and 6.54 million temporary contracts, 26.7% less.

The Ministry has also reported that spending on unemployment benefits reached 1,890.5 million euros in August (latest data available), 7.2% more than in the same month of 2022.

The benefits paid since January of this year incorporate the increase in the regulatory base to 60% as of the seventh month, compared to the percentage of 50% that had been applied since 2012 for the calculation of the benefit.

As a consequence, the gross average amount of the contributory unemployment benefit increased by 7.1% year-on-year in August, to 934.4 euros per month.

The average monthly expenditure per beneficiary, not including the agricultural subsidy of Andalusia and Extremadura, amounted to 1,062.5 euros in the month of August, which is 58.5 euros more than in the same month of 2022 (5.8%).

The total number of beneficiaries of unemployment benefits stood at 1,816,798 people at the end of the eighth month of the year, 1.1% more than in August 2022, with the coverage rate reaching 71.51%, its highest rate. in the month of August since 2010, as highlighted by Trabajo.

Benefit data is always a month behind unemployment data, so the Ministry published this Tuesday the unemployment figures for September and the benefits statistics for August.