They consider that he may incur a crime of glorifying terrorism and humiliating the victims


The association of victims of terrorism Dignidad y Justicia (DyJ) has sent a letter to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, in which they ask him to view the documentary by journalist Jordi Évole in which he interviews the former head of ETA José Antonio Urrutikoetxea Bengoetxea, alias ‘Josu Ternera’, before it is screened at the San Sebastián International Film Festival and broadcast on the Netflix platform in case “a crime of glorifying terrorism or humiliation to his victims.

In the letter, to which Europa Press has had access, the association recalls that the former head of ETA has an active judicial process and that the Public Ministry charges him with 11 crimes of completed murder and another 88 attempted murders – as many as injured in the Zaragoza attack–. In addition, it indicates that a sentence of 2,354 years in prison is requested for him.

DyJ insists that ‘Josu Ternera’ was responsible “directly or indirectly for many of the attacks by the terrorist group that resulted in death,” pointing out that he is a fugitive from Spanish justice and that “no matter where you look at it, it is a bloodthirsty terrorist who took the lives of a lot of innocent people and who has never shown the slightest sign of repentance for everything he did”, so his figure cannot be “whitened or humanised”.

He adds that, on the other hand, the former head of ETA is pending extradition from France to be tried by the Spanish justice system for the attack on the Zaragoza barracks house carried out on December 11, 1987 and in which they were murdered. three civil guards and eight of their relatives, including five minors.

For all this, the association chaired by Daniel Portero indicates that the attorney general must think above all “about the pain of the living victims that this bloodthirsty terrorist has left in his path,” and must take into account that “this report will cause bleeding from many wounds that have not yet healed, in addition to the possibility of committing the aforementioned crimes.

‘Don’t call me Ternera’, a documentary co-directed by Jordi Évole and Màrius Sánchez, will open ‘Made in Spain’ at the San Sebastián Festival and will complete this section that includes 19 other notable Spanish feature films of the year. The film offers an exclusive interview of Évole with ‘Josu Ternera’, and provides a “hard and unprecedented look” at his career as leader of the terrorist organization ETA.

The film, scheduled for world premiere, also addresses “some of the decisive moments of ETA” until its dissolution in 2018, as detailed by the San Sebastian contest. Furthermore, the “tense and exhaustive” conversation with Urrutikoetxea allows an ETA victim to resolve unknowns about the attack she suffered almost 50 years ago.