He agrees with Puigdemont that there may be a “historical commitment”


The second vice president of the acting Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, has assured that unilaterality “does not fit” in an amnesty agreement, since when one party sits down to negotiate it is already renouncing unilaterality, according to her.

In an interview in ‘La Vanguardia’ collected this Sunday by Europa Press, he pointed out that the Catalan political conflict can be the subject of a political and social agreement, and that this agreement “should also include businessmen and unions, civil society … A broad agreement that would culminate in an organic law.”

When asked if he agrees with the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont that there could be a historic compromise, he responded yes: “When someone invokes the doctrine of historic compromise they are talking about a pact. A pact that has to do with reconciliation, with peaceful coexistence. A pact that has to do with living better. You will find me there.”

He has pointed out that there is no single form of amnesty, and that they are currently working on one “to try to overcome political conflicts.”

“I’m sorry, but we cannot compare the current situation with that of 1977. Those who want to interpret it that way are wrong,” Díaz added.

Regarding the criticism of former Prime Minister Felipe González of Díaz’s visit to Brussels to meet with Puigdemont, he said that he is surprised that González makes “depending on what assertions about the amnesty and the Constitution” due to his legal training.

According to Díaz, the former president of the Government José María Aznar is the one in charge of the PP, and “under the leadership of Aznar, the PP is today working against” the president of the party, Alberto Núnez Feijóo.

He has literally stated that the PP has abdicated politics to dedicate itself to pitting half of Spain against the other half, and that Feijóo “has tried to introduce some correction to that course and they have not let him.”

Díaz has pointed out that Sumar “is not limited to consolidating what was advanced in the previous legislature,” since people want more rights and social policies.

And he has ruled out that ministries are currently being negotiated for a possible coalition government between PSOE and Sumar: “We are not talking about the composition of the Government, we are not talking about ministries.”

Asked for her opinion on the proposed Constitutional Convention that reinterprets the territorial model of the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, Díaz responded that she found it an “interesting idea” and that she has asked for a meeting to talk about it.