the The Federal Ministry of health is looking for meaningful ways to use the Blockchain technology. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn, has called for the end of October, a competition of ideas. Up to 10. In December, participants can submit their proposals on how the German health care system can be improved with the new technology.

By Christopher clover
On the 27. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

anyone Who has visions should go to the doctor, so one of the most legendary quotes of former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Who has visions, how can you revolutionize a visit to the doctor, you can apply, however, to the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU). The Federal Ministry of health is seeking a competition of ideas, according to block chain-based concepts that make the German health care system fit for the future. The task is very open: “we are looking for solutions for applications in the German health care system”. As examples of the potential use of the Blockchain areas, the Ministry announced, among other things, law and identity management, consent and Organ and tissue donor register.

“the Blockchain: […] All talk about it – but it is often difficult to find concrete applications, especially beyond Bitcoin”,

so Spahn in the announcement video for the ideas competition, in which he (adult) individuals, Teams, universities, Start-ups, businesses – in short, anyone who deals with the Blockchain-technology – calls to support the Ministry in this search.

Up to 10. December the participants can submit their proposals to an independent, interdisciplinary panel of experts. These concepts and then evaluate them according to their relevance for the German health care system, its future viability, interoperability and data security. The best projects will receive an invitation in the “future workshop” of the Ministry, the on 27. February 2019. The winner of the pre-selection can present their projects to the panel of experts will then select the winner. This prize money in a total amount of 30,000 euros. The first place receives 15,000 euros, for the places two and three there are 10,000 or 5,000 euros. The closing date for entries is 10. December 2018.

Sparse Details on the future workshop

for More Details about the “future workshop” are not yet known. “Information to follow” it says in the FAQ under “What happens at the workshop of the future?”. In June, Spahn of the Blockchain technology compared still skeptical, however, recognized the need for action in the field of digitization of health care. “We need to move faster than before,” he stated on the occasion of the Cube Tech Fair in Berlin. There are “a lot of talk and a few specific applications,” said Spahn at the time. A step in the direction of concrete applications is done with the announcement of the future workshop already. However, it is not without a certain irony, if you mockiert on the one hand, about the slow Blockchain-adaptation and on the other hand, after almost a month still no more detailed information about the program of the “future workshop”.