the According to a survey of American media and marketing platform, Mediapost Blockchain is the most overrated word of the year 2018. The respondents are professionals from the advertising should also choose the most important word of the year. The result is for all of you who know a little about Blockchain technology, know, curious.

Brigitte Bernhardt
16. February 2019BTC$3.629,73 1.02%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

In the survey, around 300 representatives from the advertising and marketing statements and the part of advertising agencies. While more than a quarter of the participants were in their opinion overvalued word Blockchain agree, share the second place with two terms: “AI”, Artificial intelligence, and “Programmatic”. In third place Crypto is “”. Interesting Detail is that all four terms in the world of IT and the Internet are located.

Of the Blockchain and crypto-issues have seen the advertising experts, 2018, obviously, more than enough. Probably a lot of topics in the industry and many discussions with customers to Blockchain technology focused. For some of the ads Manager, apparently, to many.

The executives surveyed should also have the name of their observation to the most important word of the year. Ironically, chose the advertisers to place 1 “transparency”.

Blockchain vs. transparency?

This result is, in view of the Negative vote, for the word Blockchain strange. Many in the Blockchain-scene, it is likely to provide a Chuckle. Because the concepts of the Blockchain and the transparency are not practically separated.

finally, It is the core idea of the Blockchain technology to bring trust in digital processes. The sources of content, such as text, images or measurement data, you can use the Blockchain to prove: the decentralized, virtually tamper-proof digital directory, when, who, what. It is, therefore, a maximum of transparency.

Read also: US company to launch Blockchain ETF

for More on this topic, there are in the Blockchain Tutorial from BTC-ECHO.

What has prompted advertising professionals to highlight the word transparency to the top of the most important marketing terms and show at the same time of the word Blockchain weary, reveals the study. Perhaps it is the industry’s less the content than the label.

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