the The prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai announced the opening of a research centre for Blockchain technology. This will provide knowledge about possibilities of application of DLT a number of very specific development programmes for Shanghai Blockchain industry.

Polina Khubbeeva
20. February 2019BTC$3.954,03 -0.02%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As at 15. In February, it was announced, the “Shanghai Blockchain Engineering Technology Research Center” in cooperation of the University with the IT company, Zhongan Online Property Insurance co., Lrd. and Shanghai Zhongren Information Technology co., Ltd..

of The Fudan University is regarded as one of the leading universities in the people’s Republic of China. She is a member of the “C9 League”, the Chinese Equivalent to the American Ivy League, and has high admission requirements. According to the QS World University Rankings 2015/16 Fudan University proves the 43. Place in the world.

in addition to basic and applied research are planned at the “Shanghai Blockchain Engineering Technology Research Center” in addition, training for specialists and promising crypto-talents. The stated aim of the research cooperation, scientific progress, with measurable economic results for the growth of the Blockchain-industry in Shanghai.

China’s education sector engages increasingly Blockchain

of The Fudan University, however, is not the first elite University, which is involved in the Integration of the Blockchain in the education sector of China: Recently, the Tsinghua University (QS Ranking, 2016: place 24 in the world) made in Beijing made headlines when it joined Ripples education initiative. The FinTech from California, is planning, together with the FinTech research center of the University of a Blockchain-research program.

The people’s Republic of China, especially in the government of their rapidly growing cities on Blockchain technology. Not least of all for the control and organization of the population development. In addition, environmental protection and resource management should be in these “Smart Cities” by crypto and Blockchain efficient and integrated.

Read also: Vienna: center for Blockchain-research receives million grant

The recent push roll-call of Chinese universities testifies to the seriousness of the largest economy in the world, crypto-technologies in the long term, and sustainable in its government strategy. This can be in view of the authoritarian nature of the party dictatorship is also problematic, should also be part of a critical (social)scientific Blockchain research. Whether or not such under the present conditions in China is possible, however, is questionable.

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