the The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has published new regulations for Blockchain-companies. Therefore, you need to from the 15. February, in the CAC register and the authority of the access to the stored data of its users. Thus, the anonymity is advanced in a tie.

Tanja Giese
14. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

10. January, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has published the new regulations that apply for companies that use the Blockchain technology. This should contribute to a “healthy development of the Blockchain technology,” by ensuring the “protection of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations”.


Blockchain-companies springing up in China, despite the critical attitude of the government towards Bitcoin & co., such as mushrooms from the ground. But only in November of last year, the Chinese financial institution had called for more Surveillance in the Blockchain sector. This reputation of the CAC as follows with the from the 15. February applicable regulations. Affected companies that develop Websites or mobile Apps, in order to provide the Public with information and technical Support using Blockchain technologies.

With the entry into force of these regulations must register with the company, their names, Domains and server addresses within 20 days of the CAC. Also, the data of the users may not be anonymous are kept. Users must then give at the time of registration for the services of your true identity using the identity card or the mobile phone number price. Then, the Blockchain-companies are required to have this data to the government authority.

companies that do not comply with these rules, must reckon with fines of 20,000 to 30,000 Yuan, the equivalent of approximately 2,500 to 3,800 euros,. In the case of repeated disregard of the regulations, the authority may also initiate criminal investigations.

Read also: Deloitte and certificate: shoulder-to-shoulder for Blockchain-identity management

In April of last year, an open letter had caused quite a stir, a Chinese student in the Ethereum Blockchain had written. The reason for the suicide of a student at the University of Beijing in 1998. The rape by a Professor should be the reason for the suicide. Your fellow students are requested according to the disclosure of the case, the documents in question. Since the University refused, to the enlightenment, to cooperate and further Research sub-band, had used a student in the Blockchain as the inextinguishable Medium, in order to circumvent this censorship. Possibly, the government wants to ensure the new regulations in favour of such censorship in excess to prevent measures.