the According to Maersk, the Israeli competitor to the Zim is included in the list of block chain-oriented logistics companies. “Electronic Waybills” is the magic word. From the sense of the modernisation of industry and the importance for the Blockchain.

Max Halder
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settled a whopping 90 percent of global trade (2005), on container ships. From an economic point of view, a global world would be without the metal giant oceans on our world is unthinkable. In this case, the shipping is complicated alone of a single good monster. Consider, for example, national and international trade law, customs regulations, freight, letters, schedules, loading and unloading plans, in short: the entire Supply Chain. So about 30 people and more than 200 inter-actions depend on each shipped Well – overall, a complex and expensive process.

The Supply Chain in criticism

All the complex processes are prone to manipulation and scams. It is also the international consulting network BDO in a publication on the topic of Supply Chain made in the recent time attention. The basic Problem let, therefore, as the Bermuda triangle describe, consisting of “motive, opportunity and rationalisation”. It’s the old saying applies: “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Just in terms of the “opportunities”, the ship being a cargo, a Paradise for scammers, here is the complexity and the sheer number of parties Involved tremendously. How serious the Situation is, in fact,, however, can only be guessed at. So BDO is based on a survey from the 2017 in the Economist report, therefore, only about 30 percent of the surveyed companies are aware of this problem. Manage BDO speaks here of a “blind spot” – the whole of the already expensive process even more cost is likely to be more intense.

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The world leader

in the light of these outdated systems, it is of little surprise that the world’s leading shipping company, has seen Maersk from Denmark, need for action, “the long-awaited and long-overdue development,” says Lars Henneberg, Maersk. At the beginning of 2017, the world market leader, working with IBM on a Blockchain-solution for the Supply Chain. And towards the end of the year 2017, Maersk announced that they are working with the Blockchain-companies guard time to another Blockchain-solution for insurance matters.

Zim moves to

Now pull the Israeli equivalent of Zim. The proportion of eleventh-largest company in the industry opened up after more than a year, pilot project now its platform for electronic bills of lading for all customers, TradeWinds. Zim expected not only to replace the paper-based process; in addition, at the same time benefit the whole communication of the technology. The electronic bills of lading allowed recently handled two transactions within two hours, what would normally be several days or weeks, says TradeWinds. For the time being, the focus is on Asia, South Africa, North America and the Mediterranean.

adaptation is on the rise

other industry representatives, however, are interested in the Blockchain technology. A subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Ports launched last year a pilot project in the port of Antwerp. Objectives the optimization of the cargo monitoring as well as the increase of the flow rate in the trade. In the UK, the port operator Associated British Ports, came together in September 2018 with the logistics company Marine Transport International. Their goal is to reduce the manual paperwork. The logistics industry belongs to the areas where the Blockchain adaptation falls short of the most visible.

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