the Everipedia, the crypto-equivalent of Wikipedia, will not want to put the decision as to the truth of the contributions only in the hands of the Community. Together with another Blockchain-companies, XYO, will use the encyclopedia now location-based data to verify entries.

Tanja Giese
13. February 2019BTC$3.610,15 -0.54%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

One of the greatest achievements of the Internet is the ability that we can all Know in a matter of seconds to retrieve. A key contributor to the Open-Source encyclopedia Wikipedia has. Their advantage is also their disadvantage is, however, at the same time can change, even if it is now restricted, in theory, any article. This is also a quiet skepticism among users often remains: “Is this really true?” Although nonsensical article, and incorrect data will be exposed relatively quickly by the quality assurance, but whether this has seen the post already, don’t know the user at the Moment of reading. With Everipedia 2014 pushed for a more digital encyclopedia on the market, to avoid this vulnerability using the Blockchain technology.

Like Wikipedia with a Token

saw As Wikipedia in 2001, the light of the world, did not foresee the incredible success of the digital encyclopedia. Today the site covers more than 49.4 million articles (2.27 million of which in the German language). How the Blockchain-companies XYO says on your media page, you must also develop a digital reference tool with new technology. For this reason, Everipedia has entered into a cooperation with XYO.

Everipedia works similarly to Wikipedia: The Community written contributions for all of the user accessible to the public. The writer must not be driven only by purely altruistic reasons. For each Post there is also a financial incentive attracts also, if the post is true.

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Herein lies the great difference between Wikipedia and Everipedia. To publish on the block chain-based platform, an article, must pay the user first, a so-called IQ-Token. If the contribution of the Community is evaluated as true, he gets not only paid the Token, but in addition, a corresponding reward, which is, in turn, awarded in the Form of IQ-Token. If the article turns out to be untrue, it loses the writer of the Token.

in Addition, Everipedia can users Token to earn in the share for example content. In this way, the activity should be reinforced within the Community.

What tells the site to the truth?

With the cooperation of Everipedia and XYO will not leave the verification of the contributions, alone now in the hands of the Community. The location data of the Write (POI) to provide information about whether or not you are able to write truthfully about the selected topic of an article. As CCN at 10. February reported, says the co-founder of XYO, mark Levin, this assumption is as follows:

We enable users to prove their Knowledge. Suppose you write about the statue of liberty, and are in India. You were the statue of liberty. Your Knowledge comes from a second source. It is a different skill feature, if you are a Professor of history and many times were the statue of liberty. Then you are a primary source.

Although it has Everipedia already have more POI entries than Wikipedia. To access this service, however, surface thinking, it requires much more data. According to XYO will provide the required POI data. The company is, whether this cooperation is euphoric:

We look forward to working with Everipedia, in order to improve the knowledge base of the Peer-to-Peer Blockchain in the world!

Why the New York history Professor in his India-holiday, worthy to be a less credible source, answered, however, none of the two companies.

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