the The Kenyan Tech company Sawa Minerals is celebrating this week the launch of his eponymous mining platform. Using the Blockchain technology, this is to ensure fair working conditions in the mineral industry. Meanwhile, representatives of the wagon, so to speak, problem-ridden sectors, for example in the cultivation of coffee, similar Attempts to use the technology in their supply chains.

By David Barkhausen
18. April 2019BTC$5.251,00 of Africa groan 0.70% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The workers in the gold mines of the West under a heavy fate. The mineral resources of their homeland on the global markets as popular as ever. The working conditions are shafts in the Mine, however cruel. Child labour, poverty wages and other forms of modern slavery are on the agenda.

the Start-up Sawa Minerals wants to Change this. How the Kenyan Tech company announced this week in a press release, celebrates the launch of his eponymous Blockchain platform. This is in the future to secure the supply and value chains in the minerals industry.

the Start to ensure up on the one hand, compared to buyers of rare minerals such as Gold, that miners in the country, fair work conditions. On the other hand, Sawa Minerals will also ensure that the strict, but seldom compliance with regulations will be taken in the African mining operations, seriously.

Kali Angwa, co-founder of the company that advertises at the official Launch in Nairobi for the possibilities of the platform. His company was striving to create a global Ecosystem for ethnic mining, “which is free of child labour, in which the miners work in safe conditions and a life-sustaining income.”
such A move is groundbreaking, especially in the artisanal mining in small mines is a major supplier for the “most important sectors of the world economy for the construction industry, jewelry and electronics”, Angwa.

cobalt, Gold, silver: The world market is pulling for rare metals

Worldwide, the demand of rare metals is increasing steadily. Because of Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, and televisions are installed in nearly every electrical device in mineral resources such as cobalt, Gold or silver. The Problem is that The valuable materials are dormant, usually deep in the soil where they are degraded, often under inhumane conditions.

certification regime for supply chains, such as the international Initiative for supply chain security in the mineral industry ITSCI should this change, however, rejected by the industry as too expensive. Blockchain companies such as Sawa Minerals want to create in the future a remedy.

the Specific technical Details, such as the platform to review supply chains between miners and buyers in the future, the company from time to time. It is assumed, however, that Sawa Minerals Inspiration for similar, currently the world’s current Blockchain-sought advances.

problem industries rely on Blockchain-supply-chains

In the West African state of Rwanda, for example, people now advising the use of a Blockchain platform for the removal of the metal tantalum. As the local newspaper The New Times reported, the British Blockchain Start-up Circulor on a Distributed Ledger solution to the supply chains of the Minerals in a reliable track. With companies in the coffee, diamonds, or cocoa industry more, also, problem-ridden industries are currently in similar ways, and put themselves on the Blockchain-technologies in their supply chains.

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