the The Blockchain-use the British banking giant HSBC paid for. Through the use of Distributed Ledger technologies in foreign exchange trading, the Bank’s costs in the past year, savings of approximately a quarter of the administration.

By David Barkhausen
18. February 2019BTC$3.860,48 6.50% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

streams of Constantly fluctuating exchange rates, cross-border payment, a flood of transactions in the foreign exchange trading is one of the probably most time-consuming administrative processes in the daily business of banks.

employees who get to feel this on a daily basis, are the employees of the British Bank giant HSBC, the largest international Bank in Europe. Every day, the London foreign exchange to settle transactions in the billions – and this in a year, more efficient and cheaper than the competition.

since February, 2018 HSBC sets in coping with the mammoth task of foreign exchange business like no other Bank on Blockchain-technologies: a step that pays for itself contrary to some scepticism.

the competent Manager Mark Williamson reported to the news Agency Reuters, HSBC is managed through the use of Technology will make significant savings. Thanks to the Blockchain technology, the Bank has its administrative costs since last year, a quarter of a screwed back.

Blockchain-use saves the cost

Since February, 2018 HSBC is using the advantages of local commercial register on their payment platform, “FX Everywhere”. Using the Software, a “significant” part of it by Blockchain technology will be a day handled up to 5,000 transactions. In total, this represents yet not less than 350 billion US dollars, according to the latest Figures from the Bank of London.

the use of Distributed Ledger technology enables the platform to the Londoners automated Transfers “across multiple balance sheets, in dozens of countries”, for example, describes Richard Bibbey, head of the Department of global markets in January compared to the British Financial Times, the advantages of the Software. Using the decentralised networking, such as all the balance sheets in the currency trading banks involved can be viewed in real time and in a controlled manner.

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this saves not only time but also cost, now shows the view on the past year. Mark Williamson is confident that the development is pioneering:

It is progressing rapidly. We can show that it is in “FX Everywhere”, just a one-off Proof-of-Concept or to one or two Trades […]. The runs now

according to the forecast of the Manager to Reuters.

in the Future, they wanted to push the platform even further forward and more banks.

join The more participants, the common network and thus the Ecosystem with HSBC, the more efficient we can be for our customers.

HSBC as a Blockchain-pioneer

for some time, HSBC is considered to be a pioneer in the Blockchain-use in the banking sector. Although many teach in addition to BBVA, BNP Paribas or Barclays at present, the traditional financial institutions, stock exchanges and funds feast their eyes on the business opportunities with the new technologies. About JPMorgan Chase announced only this week, to want to have its own crypto currency. As an integral part of day-to-day business, such as in the case of HSBC, the Blockchain is not arrived at you for a long time.

do not make The London, in turn Retaining and expanding their Blockchain-commitment. As Europe’s largest commercial Bank, is involved currently, in addition to “FX Everywhere” also on the development of the trading software eTrade Connect. The cooperation with ten other banks in future is to design interfaces in the financing of international flows of goods more effectively. In may 2018, in turn, HSBC, the completion of the first commercial trading business on the Blockchain was a success. Had used the banking giant for this purpose, the DLT platform, the Corda of the consortium for R3.

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With the success of the “FX-Everywhere” Blockchain Enthusiasts feel confirmed now. You are likely to suspect that the enthusiasm of HSBC for the new technologies, the DLT-use of other large banks, paving the way for.

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