Cloudflare is in the future, make a private Ethereum Gateway. The security company wants to simplify the use of Smart Contracts. Cloudflare fired at the same time a centralization of the Ethereum network?

By Anton Livshits
20. June 2019BTC$9.368,00 2.99%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Cloudflare, a provider of security solutions for websites, discovered the wide world of Blockchain technology. The company announced the introduction of its own Ethereum Gateways. The Gateway allows users to easily access the functions of the Ethereum block Chain. Specifically, its use opens up the possibility to waive any additional Software. Every Internet-enabled device can participate in the Ethereum network. Cloudflare allows you to access via a user-defined host name. The company promises to make a contribution to the dissemination of distributed web applications.

Cloudflare wants barriers to entry reduce

In the centre of all these efforts will be the removal of barriers to entry. Finally, the traditional participation in the Ethereum network will not succeed without the use of complex Software. In addition, to be excluded due to the high computational effort, users with weaker Hardware of the advantages of the Blockchain.

The Gateway is intended to create a remedy here. It allows to create payments in the Ethereum network, active and Smart Contracts, operate without a separate Node. Instead, the Gateway places the contracts independently in the network. Miner the possibility of Smart Contracts on the Blockchain to establish. The implementation of private contracts, is simplified enormously. The blog post seen here, therefore, potential for wider adaptation:

We hope that we can allow people that have never used before Smart Contracts, through a fast and reliable Service, to take this in. Also you can take advantage of the added value of the contracts provide billions of regular Internet users.

the Gateway Is for centralization?

of Course, it is a Gateway to a bundled entry point in the network. Its use therefore seems to be the basic idea of the decentralization of Ethereum to disagree. Cloudflare itself is not refers in this connection to the fact that it is the only provider of Gateways. The presence of multiple providers, will therefore ensure a sufficient degree of decentralization. The blog post mentioned here Infura. The ConsenSys operated Gateway provider was, however, already a number of times in the criticism. Here, too, the reproach of a too strong centralisation has been raised. These debates show that a simplified participation in the network is at the moment probably only at the price of increased centralisation. To counteract this development, would need to be developed more cost-effective technical solutions.

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