A Blockchain, 250 million dollars and a plot of land that is three times as large as Bavaria. This is Jeffrey Berns’ Vision of a Blockchain-city. The city will have everything a normal city – only Blockchain-based. However, taxes (and apparently even water) is not there, power on the Blockchain, and a Campus for programmers, which is seven times as large as the TU Berlin.

The company Blockchains, LLC has $ 250 million in a plot of land in the state of Nevada invests. The area of about 300 km2, is three times as large as Bavaria. The company’s founder, Jeffrey Berns was a lawyer, and is now in crypto to build a millionaire with a Vision: a city like any other, with houses, schools, and companies. However, he would like to associate with a Blockchain. This is Jeffrey Berns is not a city in the conventional sense, but “a number of different projects, the Power of the public Blockchain to show”, as he explains in the presentation.

apartments and its own identity and crypto-Custody systems as a Foundation stone

As in any city there will be apartments, shops and schools. In addition, the city already has an own identity and crypto-Custody System.

The Custody solution consists of so-called Executable Distributed Code Contracts (EDCC), a kind of Smart Contract. Details to Jeffrey Berns with no reveals. For the storage block chains, LLC Bunker has bought in the USA, Sweden and Switzerland.

Own development and production studios

another Central part of the city, the Graphene Valley; a Campus for Blockchain developers with a size of approximately 4 million m2. For comparison, The TU Berlin has an area of approximately 604.000 m2. The Campus must be large, because the developers will not only perform research on block chains, but also to Artificial intelligence, nano technology and 3D printing. At work but also the fun short. Therefore, blockchains, LLC is also planning an E-sports Arena and a Studio, which movies, music and games installed. This is Jeffrey Berns wants to use the Blockchain technology to the game to save scores, or to distribute the produced Material.

power over the Blockchain, distributed organization, but no taxes

All of these activities require electricity. Also this comes about block chains. For Blockchains, LLC has signed with NV Energy, a Declaration of intent. NV Energy is an energy supplier out of Las Vegas. Together with Blockchains, LLC you want to develop block chain-based concepts for energy trading. To manage the city, Jeffrey Berns invented the Distributed Collaborative Entity (DCE). This is a type of Decentralized Autonomous organization (DAO), which administers all income and decisions. Five to six groups to forward the DCE and a group of them to be developers. These groups are to make all the decisions and earn 90 percent of the profits. And these gains could be very attractive: investors do not need to pay tax at all or hardly. Residents of Nevada pay no income tax, and foreign investors will receive a discount (Nevada is one of the so-called Opportunity Zones).

Similar to the control (but more problematic) seems to be missing (apart from electricity) of any infrastructure. On public Transport, the health sector or the water supply Jeffrey Berns has not spoken in his presentation.

Aware of

The idea of Smart Cities, such as block chains, LLC, is new. One example is the South Korea offers niche plan city of Songdo City. Also, many cities modernize, by using block chains. Most recently, the Emirate of Dubai; with the “Dubai Blockchain Platform” wants to bring the state administration.

it is also Useful to the individual projects, the planning blockchains, LLC. You are very ambitious, know Jeffrey Berns:

“This is either the greatest thing ever or the most spectacular Crash in the history of mankind”.