the researchers at the Portland State University (PSU) to develop a Blockchain Protocol, with which companies the spread of counterfeit medicines can fight. Computer Science Professor Nirupama Bulusu published the decentralized Protocol in order to protect the under privileged groups of the population in developing countries from the effects of fake medicines.

Polina Khubbeeva
17. April 2019BTC$5.191,49 2.78%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Counterfeit medicines are a Problem, which affects in particular the poor and under-developed countries. While in the industrialized countries, the proportion of counterfeit medicines on the market under one per cent, it is in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, up to 30 percent.

Nirupama Bulusu from the Portland State University (PSA) wants to take the fight against counterfeit Drugs by using a specially-developed Blockchain Protocol. Bulusu is an associate Professor in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science. Together with the PSA-doctoral Naif And programmed the researcher a decentralized consensus Protocol. This includes digital product tags with the serial number and the expiry date of the goods.

A press release from the news Agency EurekAlert! 15. April, according to the two scientists published an article in a trade magazine.

product Checking and decentralisation against counterfeiting

The strategy of Bulusu and: – is based, however, on a block chain-based transaction tracking. This offers increased security and can make use of product Checks, forgeries recognizable, and prevention.

The PSU Protocol allows traders to keep track of your medications and verify. Since each User has a Key for the modification of the information on the Chain, make it more difficult for Criminals to bring dubious products on the market. Also Hacks on Central administrative systems as they pass in the conventional verification method, are eliminated with the decentralized PSU-log.

“bullet-proof” protection system for drugs

Bulusu explained to EurekAlert!, that the interest of the researchers was the protection of particularly vulnerable population groups throughout the world. Due to the decentralisation of the transaction storage “has to disrupt the Protocol, the Potential for unlawful distribution networks and make it inoperable.”

also, companies that operate in a niche, a low-threshold opportunity to track the Product History of your Goods. This should even be on the Smartphone.

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