the The Ugandan coffee producer Carico Café Connoisseur wants in the future to secure the supply chain of its beans using Blockchain Software. This is the news service Reuters reported. In the future, you want to allow customers the origin of your coffee. They might be willing to pay higher prices and would generate a fair income for coffee farmers in Uganda.

By David Barkhausen
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It is one of the most important consumer trends of the past few years. More and more buyers want to know exactly where their products come from, take them to the supermarket off the shelf. Exotic foods such as coffee, the sprouts are often at the other end of the world, is particularly difficult.

In Uganda, Africa’s biggest coffee-growing country, is now to deliver the Blockchain technology, this proof of origin. As Reuters reports, it wants to allow coffee producer Carico Café Connoisseur its customers soon to follow the trip of his beans from the plantation to the shelf in the super market. The bean variety, harvest year and origin – all this is supposed to be when shopping in the future by using the QR code visible. This is possible as the Blockchain Software.

immutable universally viewable entries in the Blockchain-log allows the technology, every node in the sales – and supply chains to retrace. In the future, so every trip to beans step of the coffee from the warehouse on the inspection to shipment – accurately documented.

Higher prices equal a fair income?

the aim of the Tech-Offensive of Carico Café Connoisseur, it was on the one hand, to respond to the increased demand for guarantees of Origin, explains managing Director Mwambu Wanendeya. On the other hand, you could justify to the customer as higher prices and thus higher income for the coffee farmers to generate.

“traceability is important, because people are anxious that farmers for work will also be rewarded [ … ], consumers are willing to pay more, if you know where exactly the coffee comes,”

so Wanendeya about the advance of his company to Reuters.

“is The idea of giving consumers with an appreciation for what happens on the trip, and to ensure more Connections to the farmers.”

If, however, it is ensured that the higher purchase arrive prices then these, he will open. The first trial deliveries are already successful. What Software was used, however, is not known.

Read also: Hermes Barometer: German logistics companies hope to Blockchain

Trend: the DLT ensures chains

Meanwhile, more and more enterprise Blockchain Software to target their supply and distribution chains. The Trend is, however, in addition to the logistics sector, especially in the case of products whose origin for buyers of vital importance.

for Example, currently the diamond producers De Beers and Alrosa, using the Blockchain-Tracker “Tracr”, such as so-called blood diamonds from the sale can be excluded. IBM and Ford also want to use the Blockchain technology, the supply chains are conflict-loaded minerals such as cobalt to the test.