The Effect Was, a leadership program came from the Canada, offers women a journey of 100 days to express their ambition. Zoom on the occasion of the 2nd promotion of French.

This is a challenge that is original, that takes a special flavor in these times of confinement : 100 days in order to be better equipped to express his ambition to develop his self-confidence, dare to take risks and to strengthen its ability to influence. Thursday, march 26, in spite of the confinement, twenty-five participating French were riveted to their phone for a call dedicated to the launch of the new promotion of the Effect (such as ambition), before a first workshop (virtual), the 4 April next .

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The initiative was born five years ago in Canada, under the leadership of a handful of women in business, first and foremost, Isabelle Hudon, president of the insurance company, Sun Life Financial Quebec, now Canada’s ambassador in France. The one that has been named in 35 years president of the board of trade of metropolitan Montreal felt the need to go beyond the observation without stops set up on the (low) place of women in the economy : “action is the key to change”, she believes. His challenge to it ? Convince ten rulers in a period of 100 days, to identify in their endeavour young women to help them gain access to high-level positions. It is also to Isabelle Hudon, resulting in its movement by other women in quebec, to give legitimacy to the ambition to the female, is too often misunderstood, and even slandered.

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The Effect was launched. With the help of the firm Skillable, specializing in the behavioural approach, a journey of 100 days is developed. He combines introspection individual, collective workshops, conferences with leaders inspiring exchanges within the network and, especially, concrete action. Since the point of departure (and arrival !), it is a challenge that each participant should be set to achieve at the end of the 100 days. “This is not a training, it is an experience, which should lead one to ask precise gestures,” explains Isabelle Marquis, co-creator of the Effect A. in Montreal, 11 promos have already done the course, or about 3500 women.

Experience the difference between proximity and presence

in Paris, this is the second promotion that started on the 26th of march, around a phone call instead of a physical meeting, containment forces. “It is even more important, in the current context, stay connected to the outside world, stresses Isabelle Hudon. Interconnections and interactions with others contribute to our mental balance”. For Benoît Savard, a patron of Skillable, develop, learn, appears even more necessary in the current circumstances : “The crisis, this is a unique rendezvous with oneself, ensure that consultant specialized in human resources and transformation. This allows you to see how we face, if we can adapt, seize opportunities.”

This course of 100 days, the reformatted version of “containment”, also represents a great opportunity, with the use of virtual tools, and at the time of the on-line triumphant, to discover the difference between proximity and presence, stresses Benoît Savard. The close proximity, it is one of the key values advocated by the Effect, which encourages its participants to listen to and support each other, to form a support community.

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The other key element is, of course, the ambition, that is expressed and realized. “Set a goal that we can measure the impact quickly, this gives an impulse, and the feeling of moving forward”, recognizes Laure Chatillon, a partner at PWC France, which was the first promotion French, last fall. 100 days, it is also a period sufficiently short to maintain a certain voltage, and long enough to progress through “micro-learning”, explains Benoît Savard. The approach has already attracted several companies in France, among them Accenture, CGI, Credit Agricole, GRDF, SFR or Yves Rocher.