The reform of vocational training will come into force on the 1st January. It modifies the personal account of training.

This is one of the dramatic changes expected from the recent act professional Future. From the 1st of January, the personal account of formation (CPF) will be “monétarisé”: instead of accumulate hours of training each year, employees will be credited with 500€, up to a ceiling of € 5,000*. Objective: to make them more the masters of their own’ training. The hours already accrued are not lost, but converted into euros. The two terms, hours, and amount in euros, will be a time displayed at the same time.

A smaller budget… temporarily

The conversion rate chosen by the government – 14,28 euros a time – raises concerns among those who find it too low. With a CPF trimmed to its maximum at 31 December (150 hours), an employee shall have, on the 1st January, of 2142 euros (150 hours X 14,28 euros).

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Some training organizations have even issued a prospectus inviting everyone to mobilize their CPF without wait: they believe that the reform is unfavorable to the claimant. The ministry of Labour has set is to stop this “communication is false”.

For the rue de Grenelle, the employees are not losers. The average rate of support of joint bodies approved collectors (Opca, who collected and funded training up here) today would be 12 euro on average. But this average is obtained by incorporating in the calculation the unemployed, whose courses are financed to the tune of… 9 euros an hour.

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In fact, the rate of support recorded in recent years for employees were often much higher, “up to 35 euros per hour,” says Jean-François Foucard, of the CFE-CGC. With 100 hours on your account, you had 3500 euros. On the 1st January, these 100 hours will be converted in 1428 euros only.” Funding divided by two.

Of government aid… but not for everyone

is there any rush to make finance training prior to the 1st of January ? Not necessarily the same. First, because it will always be possible to request a co-funding to the employer, to the extent that the skills taught are of interest to the company.

in addition, throughout the year 2019, if the envelope of the CPF is insufficient to pay for an internship, the employee will receive a company contribution to new organizations, baptized Operators skills (Opco). “This possibility should ensure a smooth transition”, welcomes Natanaël Wright, president of Wall Street English, which provides English classes to businesses. The spearhead of the protest a few months ago, he said, “you have changed your mind for this reason”.

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Attention, nothing will be automatic. “The operators skills will inevitably make trade-offs,” warns Yves Hinnekint, director-general of the Opca Opcalia. One of the priorities could be the financing of a driving licence for young workers.” On the side of Agefos-PME, the largest Opca of the hexagon, it was confirmed that all applicants will not receive an extension, and not the same. “Nothing is defined for the time being, but one could imagine, for example, that the government aid should be higher for people with a low level of qualification, which would be in the line of reform,” explains Astrid Chenard, director of Communication and learning.

All requests will not be granted, especially as the budget made available by the operators of skills will depend on the number of CPF mobilized.

* 800 euros per year, capped at 8,000 euros for employees who are less qualified, not having a level V qualification

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On what criteria your demand of ICF is discussed ? The answers to your questions about the CIF How long is a CIF?

Concerning the rights acquired under the precursor to the CPF, the individual right to training (DIF), disappeared on January 1, 2015, the ministry of Labour clarifies that the rule initial remains : they must be used by January 1, 2020, under the penalty of being lost. To be eligible, it will, nevertheless, be thought to refer to the hours of DIF, in the box provided for this purpose, on the account CPF. An approach still allowed after the New year.

* 800 euros per year, capped at 8,000 euros for employees who are less qualified, not having a level V qualification