Among the key measures announced by François Hollande in the fight against unemployment, figure a new plan of training a “priority” for job seekers. Who is concerned? What should we expect? The point.
1. Training “priority”, it changes what?
This is the third time since the beginning of the quinquennium, that François Hollande draws a plan of training for job seekers. In 2014, the “100 000” had succeeded the “30 000” launched a year earlier. The government sees a lot larger this time, with 500 000 training courses promised for 2016. More concretely, it is to grant financial costs compared to existing devices, but also to change the method. Rather than distiller training courses on a case-by-case basis, these plans will be subject to a preparation upstream to the scale of the regions.
2. How is going the implementation?
As for the previous plans, prefects, social partners and communities will analyze the positions to be filled in each basin, and the training required to fill them. François Hollande has announced that a first meeting would be held in early February in order “as a first wave to be launched quickly”. Different actors will decide then set a budget for certain types of training in specific areas, depending on the opportunities. Finally, “these information are sent to the advisors job center to identify, among the job seekers that they follow in their “portfolio”, those who might be interested,” explains Jean-Manuel Gomes, a trade union delegate CFDT of the ex-ANPE.
3. What job seekers are concerned?
“Two million job seekers do not have the level of bac, this is one of the characteristics of unemployment in France”, had urged the minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, in the beginning of January. The training priority target so job seekers less qualified, without condition of age. The last two plans were already attached to form an audience without a diploma: only 45% of the unemployed trained in the plan 100 000 had the level of bac, compared with 57% out of this device, and 41% had a CAP or BEP, compared to 34% for the other courses, after a review of Pôle emploi. It should be the same for the plan 500 000.
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4. What training is eligible?
As for the previous plans, training, preferred are those aimed at a rapid return to employment. The short courses will therefore be preferred in sectors with a lack of applicants, such as human services, hospitality, logistics and transport in the immediate, but also trades in so-called “future” (digital, energy transition…). Several devices exist. The AFPR (action of training prior to recruitment) and the POE (operational preparation for employment, individual or collective) thus make it possible to prepare for the taking of a position with an employer through training. At the end of the internship, the company is committed to recruit you.
Another possible way: what the job center called the training sessions also aimed at bridging the gaps between the needs of the job and your skills. They can allow you to obtain additional training or a qualification, valuable in finding a job. There is help for individual training (AIF) allow job seekers to benefit from additional financial training. Regardless of the device follow-up, the goal is to provide you with a qualification that will boost your CV and will reassure the employer.
READ ALSO >> attend a training when one is unemployed: follow the guide!
5. How much will it cost the plan?
The slate the total of the plan “emergency” for the job will amount to the State to some two billion euros, financed, “without the additional levy, by cost savings”, according to the Elysée. The training alone should represent an effort of one billion euros. This budget must cover the cost of the courses, but not only. “It is also necessary to foresee in the overall budget for the remuneration of job seekers who are no longer compensated, so that the charge devices, such as travel or childcare, to ensure that the unemployed do won’t,” pointe Jean-Manuel Gomes, of the CFDT.
6. What results can we expect?
Until now, the training “priorities” have obtained the best results in terms of return to employment than classical measures. When the plan 100 000, 57% of the beneficiaries have found a job after six months, compared with 49.5 per cent out of this framework. The insecurity remains high, as only 41.8 percent have obtained a CDI or a CDD long. But the balance is better than for the training usual, for which the rate of sustainable employment is only 37.2%. These scores can be explained by the fact that a large part of the training was to type “prior to employment”, that is to say, against a vacancy. To do the same with 500,000 unemployed people, it will be necessary, therefore, that the bosses are playing the game… “If the courses are not arrow offers, we will stay in the register of the occupational,” says Jean-Manuel Gomes. In other words, we take care of the unemployed a few months with no effect on employment.
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unemployment in France
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7. A ruse to lower the numbers..?
It is this fact that makes fear a lot that the training plan is only a ruse to switch the unemployed categories A, B, or C, to the class D, much less scrutinized in the monthly publication of the figures Pole employment. Or “statistics” and the artificial unemployment, in order to “reverse the curve” before 2017. Hard to decide today, but if this is the case, the respite will be fragile for the government. The priority training are on average shorter, and 77% of the “100 000” does not, for example, have not exceeded three months. After what, for lack of a employment to the key, the ex-trainees return to swell the unemployment figures…