Almost one French person in four has exceeded its overdraft at least once per month, according to a study Panorabanques relayed by RTL.
Nearly six in ten French are in the red once per year. According to a study of the comparator Panorabanques on the bank overdraft, reports RTL, 57% exceeded the threshold at least once in the year 2019.
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In detail, 21% of the French are in the overflow once per month, 19% once per quarter, and 17% once a year. The phenomenon does not escape for the wealthy: if 23% of French people earning less than 1500 euros per month exceed their overdraft allowed once per month, approximately 13% of those earning more than 3000 euros monthly the are also.
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A cost of 70 euros per year on average
These overruns cost on average € 70 per year. However, the study notes an improvement in the management of budgets, since they were 24% to exceed the threshold every month in 2018, and 28% in 2014. Similarly, in 2019, the French are 43% to never be in the red, compared to 40% in 2018 and 35% in 2014.