The unemployment went slightly higher according to figures published by the Pôle emploi on 26 July. Many job seekers are entered in an internship through the plan 500 000 training courses launched in the beginning of the year by the government.
Bad news for François Hollande: the number of job seekers registered to Pole employment has increased slightly in the month of June (+0,2%) according to figures from the Pôle emploi published on 26 July.
remarkably, the category D, which brings the people-in-training, has reached a record level, exceeding the 300,000 people (+11.3% on the quarter). In June, nearly 90,000 people are outputs of the categories A, B, and C to enter training. They were usually between 40,000 and 50,000 each month, prior to the entry into force of the plan from 500,000 to further education and training for job seekers, announced by François Hollande in January.
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Funded by the State, it concerns all types of courses, long or short, qualifying or degree. Objective: to increase the chances of the job seeker to find a position at the end of one or several internship(s). In 2015, 569, 000 people without a job are thus the inputs in the training.
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A valuable aid which has been able to benefit Easter last year. Without job-to-job approach of its 50 years, this ex-manager of grocery is directed to a bac pro sale on the advice of his agency, Pole emploi, in Granville (Manche). For 10 months, she is learning alongside high school students the basics of Word, Excel, as well as of the principles of merchandising. After an internship of 2 months and a half in a brand of household appliances, it signs a first CDD and then a second as a salesgirl versatile in 2016. Pass the tray has allowed him to regain confidence. “Without this training, I would not have found work, writes this mother of 4 children. Given my age and the parental leave taken during my journey, the employers did not believe me capable of.”
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One in two chance of getting a job
Follow a training, however, is not the panacea. According to a study by Pôle emploi, in 2014, less than one out of two has signed a contract six months later, the rates ranging between 43.3 per cent and 48.4%, depending on the training devices.
Since 2013, the government is trying yet improve these results. It targets more of the curricula to occupations in the lack of arms (trade, industry, transportation, logistics) and also places an emphasis on the training of the type “prior to employment”, that is to say, related to an offer of employment, and associated with a promise of recruitment. These last, unfortunately, are not in the majority: they represented one quarter of the training plan 100 000.
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“It is wrong to believe “that from the time one’s training, there will also be access to jobs, warns David Vallaperta, elected CFDT to the central committee of company Pôle Emploi. This is not so simple.” The failures may have multiple causes. “It is necessary to lift all the brakes: problems of individual, family, transport. And motivation plays a key role”, says Christian Tricot, director of the agency’s job center of Granville. The context, therefore, plays a lot. Finally, there is the hazard: a defect in the orientation, training, failing, a situation that deteriorated on the basin of employment…
A 31-year-old Mikaël can testify to that. In 2013, he followed a course of 10 months, funded by a department of the council. Despite the professional title of the seller board in-store off-hook, this inhabitant of Argenteuil (Val-d’oise) do not find work for a year and a half: “I explained that I didn’t have enough professional experience.Six weeks of training do not prepare to much”, he laments today.
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With hindsight, he felt that his training has not arrived at the right time. “You have to feel ready, have the time, energy, motivation… So, it may be worth it.” For all that, he does not regret his career that allowed him to “get out of her life”. “Any experience is a good one to try because it is a trainer. The training allows of open, to see people, and create bonds.” An opening welcome was delivered in a dynamic, certain. He continued his studies in the past year via a pro contract this time.