The candidate for the presidency of Castilla-La Mancha defends the need for a National Water Plan


The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has ensured the presentation of his motion of censure in the Congress of Deputies “it is necessary” and has charged against the Popular Party and its national leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for not supporting it.

Abascal led an act this Friday in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) together with the formation’s candidate for the city council and for the presidency of Castilla-La Mancha, David Moreno.

“We have presented this motion of censure because we really believe that this is the worst government in the history of Spain,” said the leader of Vox, criticizing the Socialist Party on this point, stating that “they represent the worst of our society” .

Along these lines, during his speech he charged against migration policy, “which causes a humanitarian drama in the Mediterranean and increases insecurity in the streets”, as well as the Historical Memory Law and the country’s energy policy.

Likewise, he has directed his criticisms against the Popular Party, which he has described as “the new left”. Abascal has criticized the fact that Núñez Feijóo does not support the motion of no confidence, assuring that, at first, he was proposed to lead it.

“They show that they are not the opposition to this government and that the only thing they want is to inherit the government of this country,” he said. “The Popular Party and the PSOE always vote the same on really important issues,” she added.

The Vox leader has defended the choice of Ramón Tamames as an alternative candidate for the presidency that accompanies the motion of no confidence, as “an independent person, who does not think like us.”

In addition to defending the motion of censure and criticizing Pedro Sánchez’s policies, Abascal has charged against the Ministry of Equality, stating that “some disturbed and corruptive minors sit in the Council of Ministers.”

In this line, he has criticized the mobilizations of March 8, stating that “they have returned with the usual little speech, that what they want is not to celebrate women, but to confront men and women, because that is what the people like.” left”. On the other hand, he has also criticized the media stating that “it doesn’t matter what we say, it doesn’t matter what I say, it doesn’t matter what Mr. Tamames says, the headlines are already written.”

For his part, the candidate for the municipal elections, has focused his intervention on the municipal level of Talavera, as well as on the regional problems of Castilla-La Mancha.

Moreno, who has thanked Abascal for having “placed his trust” in him to top the lists on May 28, has stated that “Talavera has become a city without opportunities.”

“We see how our young people have to go to other regions,” he added.

The candidate has criticized the mayoress of the Ciudad de la Cerámica, Tita García-Élez, stating that “he only has two things to claim: governing the city with the most unemployment and having had the highest salary, until with a motion from Vox He had to lower it.”

Along the same lines, he has made reference to City Council decisions on trees or the extension of the Regulated Parking Service concession.

At the regional level, he has affirmed that the policies of the Castilian-Manchego president, Emiliano García-Page, have worsened areas such as health or investment policies.

In addition, he has focused his intervention on water policy, stating that the regional president “has pitted some regions against others.” “From Vox we defend a National Water Plan,” he stated.

Moreno has affirmed that both Castilla-La Mancha and Spain could represent “the orchard of Europe” and that, for this, “we only need projects, investments, political will to do so, and only a National Water Plan can allow us to do so”.