The text ported by Muriel Pénicaud promises to help the employees to better train them for employment. Realistic ?

After the liberalisation of the labour market with orders, now in the “job security”. The law for the freedom to choose his future professional scope by Muriel Pénicaud and voted on the 1st August, the Assembly is intended to accompany the assets in their choice of training. “No one is inemployable, it is necessary to show it”, wants to believe the minister of Labour.

The challenge is important. The unemployment rate verging on always the 10 % and the patrons, who swear to be less hesitant to hire since the implementation of the schedule of allowances prud-men, say they now cannot find the workforce they are looking for.

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“The issue of skills is an ongoing issue in the labor market, puts into perspective Mathieu Plane, economist at the OFCE. But businesses that are struggling to recruit are they only victims of a lack of training of the candidates ? When you look at the studies, one realizes that other criteria such as the attractiveness of the positions or experience of candidates also fall largely into account.” Not everything will come so no training, but nothing can happen without it, not more. The ministry of Labour, we judge that this “battle of skills” must be conducted. “It is the place of France in the chain of the outsourcing world,” says the entourage of the minister, decided to proceed with a “big bang”.

The law passed can initiate this famous shock ? “There must be one, writes Pierre Ferracci, author of several reports on the training and at the head of the Alpha group (human resources consulting). The problem is that it cannot be decreed.” The government now plays prudence in ensuring that the benefits of reform will not be immediately visible. “The structural reforms that are transforming the country, they do not have effects in three months, warned the Labour minister on France Inter on Monday, July 30. What transforms the country, it takes time.” It will therefore have to be patient. But also wary as the chausses-trappes are many.

rights curtailed ?

one of The key measures of this reform aimed to give control back to the individuals on their professional career, is the reengineering of the personal account of formation (CPF). Today credited with 24 hours (within the limit of 150 hours), it will switch to the 1st January 2019 to € 500 per year with a ceiling of 5,000 euros. The less skilled will have a credit of 800 hours capped at 8 000 eur. The hours already earned will be converted into euros, at the hourly rate of 14,28 euros.

A revolution for the minister, but a regression to some unions (and political opponents), which did not hesitate to point the finger at the inadequacy of the support possible.

The figures give them reason. Today, the Opca finance amounts senior, recalls a synthesis of the Dares was published in July 2018. The ceilings of support for educational costs vary from 9 euros per hour (for those in job search) to 80 euros per hour for the Opca, the most generous, the other offering of the ceilings of 25 to 50 euro…

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Result : “The future organizations may set their prices according to the budget of the one who forms”, warns Sebastian Boterdael, head of the training policy within the firm Semaphores. Until now, this was not possible since the payment is transited primarily by the Opca.

The windfall effects could multiply to pick up the money all the more that the individual will purchase only his training via an online application. This is the other novelty of the law. The employees will be able to choose their training course and enroll in two or three clicks only, via an app. A sort of Tripadvisor for the training, mentioned the minister. A challenge is commendable, but risky. “It will be necessary that the training to which they have access are of high quality”, insists Pierre Ferracci. Another issue: they are in link with the needs of the labour market. And nobody can guarantee that. For the moment, the courses have been voted on by the employees who have used their CPF are qualifications in English language and office automation.

beware of scams!!!

a combination of quality and relevance in giving the hand for employees: the ridge line is narrow. “Agencies may be tempted to reduce the duration of training to adapt to the resources available,” said Sébastien Boterdael who fears seeing the “training tablets”, of course low-level, conducted in part at a distance and whose main interest is… to be able to keep the tablet at the end !

offers all good to the general public is little aware. Worrying when one knows that the employee or applicant for employment will be likely to dip into his own funds to complete a budget CPF not enough. “It is in an ideal world where the individual is mature and can move easily on the vocational training market,” warns the specialist. But the reality is different. Often described as a maze, the training market is complex.

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Well aware of these pitfalls, the government promises a thebellisation agencies and “customer returns”explicit – such as on Tripadvisor – on the future app that will be available by the end of 2019. It also promises that the future agency France expertise will ensure the grain. But the agency created by the reform will be there at the height of this mammoth task?

businesses large absent from the device

employees and job seekers will be more in control of their trajectory, certainly, but the training is not only their case.

“This law must not be an anthem to the individual. It must not lead to a disempowerment of the business”, insists Pierre Ferracci. The great absent of the law, companies will have a key role to play. “It is necessary that the social dialogue and collective bargaining in the company focuses on the questions of training. If it is not going away, it is missed”, he says.

The companies will often be the first point of contact for employees when their personal accounts of training will not be sufficiently filled. At what point will there be a balance between what is in the interest of the company and the employee? “In practice, the DIF (the precursor of the PFC) has often been used to meet the requirements of the company, is Sébastien Boterdael. Very few companies have a doctrine in the field of training. These are often trade-offs on a case-by-case basis which are often the best trained.” Is the exact opposite of the stated objective by the government…

A reform for all, really ?

This is one of the greatest fears of observers : that some people are on the edge of the path. “The risk is that a class of employees, the most skilled, the most comfortable can develop new skills. But the other, little accustomed to digital tools, are left behind”, laments the economist Mathieu Plane.

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How to pass his driving licence at a lower cost The personal account of training is unknown in 52% of the employees “My account” training : the gamble of the government

According to the latest study, conducted by Dares, the statistics department of the ministry of Labour, the frames are already nearly two times more likely than workers to follow a vocational training (66% versus 35%) and persons with a employment form more than the unemployed (49% vs. 30%). The risk of social exclusion is always there.