More than 7 million people are potentially concerned by this new device for free (or almost) which will make its appearance at the beginning of November.

The health expenses that are not reimbursed by the social Security can sometimes derail a family’s budget. To limit or cancel what is called the “dependent”, it is necessary to have supplemental health insurance, commonly referred to as “mutual”.

Only this : when one is retired, student, unemployed of long duration, micro-entrepreneur, independent, or when one lives alone with his children, for example, the individual contracts that are found very easily on the market cost much more expensive as you advance in age, or that their guarantees are extended. Therefore, how to do ?

One and the same device

from the 1st of November, a new device worn by the public authorities, referred to as “Complementary health solidarity”, will make its appearance. It consists of the devices using to access to health care that exist to date : the CMU-C (supplementary universal health coverage) and the ACS (aid to the payment of a complementary health). Objective : to enable people with limited resources to care for more or more correctly.

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To find out if you are eligible for the all-new Complementary health solidarity, nothing more simple : look at the amount of your annual resources (wages, income from assets, pensions, retirement and pensions, alimony…) as it appears on your last tax notice.

If you have collected less than 8 951 € (for a single person), 13 426 € per year (for a couple) or 16 € 112 per year (for a couple with a child) and if you reside in a metropolis, you can have access to it for free. Same thing if you receive the RSA (active solidarity revenue).

If your income is higher than 35 % of these ceilings, or 12 084 € per year (for a single person), 18 126 € per year (for a couple) or 21 751 € (for a couple with a child), you can also have access for a monthly fee small fee : 8 € (under 29 years), 14 € (30 to 49 years), 21 € (50 to 59 years of age), 25 € (60 to 69) and 30 € (over 70 years).

Finally, if your income is higher still, you do not have another choice than to cover you with a complementary individual health.

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supported generous

have you interest ? Yes, because this new contract includes guarantees covering an additional health responsible individual. It supports the ticket moderator (excluding the exceedances of fees), that is to say that the social Security leaves your charge. But not only that… The Complementary health solidarity will also cover the financial participation of 1 € for each consultation of a general practitioner or specialist (in the framework of the course of coordinated care), as well as the deductibles that are levied on each box of medicines, on the acts of the allied health and medical transport in the limit of 50 € per year and per insured, while the insurance supplementary health officials classic, individual or even business, are never in charge.

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Other positive aspects : you no longer have to make an advance payment of all or part of your costs of care and to expect that they will be reimbursed, as with the Complementary health solidarity you will receive the third-party payment in full, regardless of the health professionals you’ll consult in the course of the course of coordinated care. Please note : these professionals can’t charge you for the exceedances of fees, unless special circumstances (consultation night for example).

Finally, you’ll have access to offers 100% health, which will allow you, in optical, dental and audiology, benefit from equipment without any “remains in charge”. For a comprehensive view of the guarantees of the Complementary health solidarity, read it here.

only One application per household

to make your application For Supplementary health based on solidarity, you have to log in your personal account on (or create it if you don’t have one) and download the form Cerfa n°12504*08.

You will need to choose the manager of your Supplemental health solidarity : your sickness insurance fund or a supplementary body, whose contact details appear on a specific list, for the period which runs from 1 November to 31 December 2020.

once your form is completed, you must bring or send by mail to the caisse primaire d’assurance maladie to which you belong.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will receive – it in two months, in principle, a certificate notifying you of your right. If you have access to the Complementary health supportive without financial participation, you will be covered from the month following the agreement of your CPAM.

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If you have access to the Supplementary health-supportive of financial participation, you will need to pass earlier to your CPAM, or to the organization manager is chosen, a bank identity Statement (RIB) and a debit authorization.

Finally, be aware that if you are currently receiving the CMU-C, you have no specific approach to do : your contract will automatically be transformed into Complementary health solidarity on the 1st of November. On the other hand, if you get the ACS, you can ask the organization manager for your current contract, ACS will take care of the formalities of membership.

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complementary health soon terminable at any time, Repayments of social Security: how much you have left to support Change supplementary health, soon to be more simple?

You must first terminate your current contract with ACS by sending the committee a letter of termination is specific (one model is on-line