1.2 million homes should receive the bonus activity expanded. There’s still a week to ask for it.

During his televised speech last December 10, Emmanuel Macron announced that the salary of a worker at the minimum wage (smic) will increase[it] 100 € per month from 2019 without it costs 1 € more for the employer”. The question of the implementation of this proclamation remained, however, as a whole. It was finally decided that it would both by the revaluation of the annual minimum wage (smic) but also by an increase of the premium of activity. This is to not to base the cost of this increase on businesses.

Premium business, what is it ?

Financed by the State budget, the premium business is paid each month by the funds for family allowances (Caf) or Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA). It is a complement of income, granted under conditions of resources, all workers (except workers on secondment), irrespective of their status. In addition to employees, it also benefits the employees, independent workers and farmers.

It was substituted, on 1 January 2016, the premium for employment (PPE) and the “activity” of the active solidarity revenue (RSA). The goal is twofold : to encourage the workers with modest resources, to the exercise or resumption of a professional activity and support of their purchasing power.

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according To the latest statistics published by the national Fund for family allowances (June 2018), the premium of activity is paid at the close of 2.66 million households, for an average amount of 163 € per month.

The rise of the premium will it be for all the people with the smic?

No. Emmanuel Macron has suggested that all persons earning the minimum wage would benefit from the increase of 100 €, but in fact only 55 % of them are concerned. In addition to the current beneficiaries of the premium of activity, 1.2 million homes should touch it after this month. in This represents an investment of € 2.5 billion for the State.

READ ALSO >> Premium activity expanded: 120 000 requests in one week

Rather than pay a premium to only people who are receiving a minimum wage, it was decided, for budgetary cost the same, to extend the benefit to higher income levels, but remain modest. A measure of “social justice” that allows the targeting of the beneficiaries who have the most need for additional income. According to the opinion of the Finance commission of the national Assembly of December 19, 2018, 1.7 million people receive currently between 0.9 and 1.1 times the minimum wage monthly. On this public, 730 000 are eligible for the premium of activity and 240 000 more will enter the device through the reform.

How the premium of activity is it calculated ?

the calculation of the premium of activity is complex. It takes particular account of the family situation and resources of all members of the household. If one of the spouses, partners of civil unions or common-law partner receives income at the level of the minimum wage, but the other paid a lot more strong, the household will not benefit from the bonus activity.

The income taken into account . Several resources are used for the calculation of the premium of activity. Your net wages during the last three months or, if you are self-employed, your latest income known professionals, but also your replacement income (unemployment, sickness, retirement…), the benefits of the Caf and the social aid, your other taxable income such as your income property, your investment income…

On the other hand, the exceptional bonus of buying power, which can be paid by the employers until march 31, 2019 is not taken into account in the calculation of the premium of activity. It is, therefore, not to declare.

A premium of activity extended

Up to now, for a single person without children, you had to earn less than 1560 € net per month to receive the bonus activity. Now, it is possible to be right up to 1787 € of net income.

For a single person with a child, the premium can now be paid up to an income of 2490 € (compared to 2230 € previously). Nearly 150,000 single-parent families should as well perceive it.

For a couple without children, one of which is paid at the minimum wage, the premium is paid if the spouse receives up to 1730 € per month.

For a couple with two children, one of whom shall be compensated at the minimum wage, the premium is paid if the spouse receives up to 2245 € per month.

For an accurate simulation, rendez-vous on the site of Caf

The increase is 100 € for all beneficiaries ?

No, only the people at the level of the smic will receive such an increase. In practical terms, these workers are benefiting from the revaluation of the annual gross minimum wage hourly which was increased on 1st January 10,03 €, against 9,88 € in 2018. The amount of monthly gross income has now reached 1521,22 €, against 1498,47 € in 2018, is 22,75 € more. To this must be added € 90 for the maximum increase of the premium of activity.

For a single person, the premium of activity of 90 € is granted up to 1560 € of net revenues, above and beyond and jup to 1787 €, it decreases.

For single-parent families, the gain of € 90 is acquired up to 2050 € of income, beyond that and up to 2490 € it decreases.

For couples without children, the gain on the premium activity reaches 180 € when the is paid at the minimum wage and the other receives approximately 1300 €. Beyond that and up to 1 730 €, it decreases.

How to benefit from the increase of the premium of activity ?

access to the bounty of activity has been simplified by the dematerialization of the complete process: your application can be filed directly online. But, the granting of this aid is not automatic. It’s imperative that you show up. When you know that 27 % of people eligible for this assistance does not require, it is best to perform a small simulation to check your rights.

Read our complete file

The number of beneficiaries of the premium business increased by 53% in a year The number of beneficiaries of the premium of activity still progresses Philippe promises the “highest” increase in the average purchase power for 12 years

You are already receiving the premium . You have nothing to do, starting February 5, you will receive your bonus activity raised directly into your bank account. Then, each quarter, you will continue to declare your resources to the Caf. If you want to get the new amount of your premium business, see your account on caf.fr or application Caf – My account from the 29th of January.

You do not perceive the bonus . Today, perform a simulation on the website of the Caf. If it is positive, do not wait to file your claim online. All new beneficiaries who will apply before 25 January, and which meet the conditions laid down, will have their first payment from the 5th of February. It will then be necessary to perform your quarterly statements. Note that the amount of the premium is the same for three months even if your situation changes during this period.