She feels “calm” with all her decisions because she has acted following “technical criteria and never political opportunity”


The president of Congress, the socialist Meritxell Batet, has admitted that she does not “need” to continue leading the Chamber in the next legislature, despite stressing that it is “being an honor” to preside over the institution. In addition, she is confident that, although the environment will be pre-electoral during the remaining year of the legislature, the deputies will be able to lower the level of anger with which 2022 closed.

This is how Batet expresses it in an interview with the ‘Parlamento’ program on Radio Nacional de España, collected by Europa Press, in which she acknowledges that she is “calm” with the decisions she has adopted as the head of the Chamber because, she stresses, she has always acted in pursuit of the “prestige” of Congress and, above all, of the citizens that the legislature represents.

Asked directly if she would like to repeat in the position if there is an opportunity, the PSC deputy has responded without half measures: “Well, it is not necessary, the truth.”

“I have been very happy, it has been a privilege to be able to preside over the legislative power; I believe a lot in Parliament, in debate, in the understanding between political forces, in the ability to convince another and be the president of what this voice means diverse and pluralistic of Spanish society is being a great honor, but it is not necessary to repeat it either”, has been extended later.

Batet has insisted that his experience as a third authority of the State “has been very good and positive” and has remarked that he augurs Parliament a “long life in this democracy”, but without hiding that a legislature in that position is enough.

Of course, she declares herself “calm” with her work as president of the Chamber. “I can be wrong, like any human being, but my will is always to act with absolute vocation for neutrality and objectivity and, of course, absolutely getting out of partisan politics,” she explained.

In this sense, he has pointed out that from the Bureau and the Presidency of the Chamber a “political action” is exercised but “institutional, not party”.

She also adds that she is calm with her management because “all” the decisions she has made “have been based on the reports of the lawyers”, that is, that she has adopted them according to “technical criteria and never political opportunity”. “In the end, I am left with the peace of mind of having always acted well and for the prestige of Congress and, above all, of the citizens we represent,” she stated.

Asked if she feels hurt by the criticism that has sometimes been directed at her work, especially from the PP and Unidas Podemos, Batet commented that “personal pain in this case is irrelevant” and because “the important thing is the institution”.

“Parliament has to be the active center of political and democratic life and respecting and ensuring its proper functioning, its dignity and trying not to vilify it excessively is important,” he asserted.

Batet maintains that, despite the episodes of tension experienced so far in the legislature, his calls to ensure the decorum of the Chamber have not “fallen on deaf ears.” In fact, she is convinced that the majority of the deputies share them and are not “especially proud” of the image that they convey with the anger.

In addition, he considers that the fact that what transcends the most are the confrontations is “unfair” for the “vast majority” of his lordships who, he assures, “like their work very much and dedicate many hours and effort” to their work parliamentary

“I hope this year has a slightly more constructive tone despite the elections that lie ahead and that we can set that example to the society we represent better than we have been able to see on other occasions”, he indicated.

According to Batet, for example, it would be “very important” if an agreement could be reached to amend article 49 of the Constitution in order to replace the term “disabled” with that of “person with disabilities.”

The president has admitted that she was “surprised” that the PP and Vox presented full amendments to this reform that has the “unanimity” of the disability sector and that seeks to end “a terminology inappropriate for the 21st century.”

After the meeting held this week between the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, and the spokesperson for the Popular Group, Cuca Gamarra, and after both agreed to limit the reform to that single issue, Batet considers that the agreement is “feasible” and has encouraged to make it happen.