
A warning has been issued to Phantom Wallet users about a fake app in the Apple Store that has been draining users’ funds. The fake app, which mimics the legitimate Phantom Wallet, is published by Meta Voxify and has received poor 1-star reviews. Despite its deceptive appearance, the fake app is still live in the UK and may be available in other regions as well.

Users are advised to be cautious and only download apps from verified developers to avoid falling victim to such scams. The incident serves as a reminder of the risks and challenges present in the crypto space, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and sharing information within the community.

The co-founder of the Dubai Blockchain Center, Mende Matthias, reported a theft of over $100,000 from his Phantom wallet, highlighting the significant financial losses that can result from such scams. Matthias stressed that he had taken robust security measures and had not engaged with any suspicious links, raising concerns about how the security breach occurred.

This incident also raises questions about the security and vetting process of the Apple AppStore, as well as the risks associated with allowing the sideloading of apps through third-party stores. The promotion of a scam clone of a financial app on the AppStore is a serious issue that needs to be addressed to protect users from potential threats.

In light of this situation, it is essential for users to remain vigilant and exercise caution when downloading apps, especially financial ones, to safeguard their funds and personal information from malicious actors in the digital space. Stay informed, stay safe, and be proactive in protecting your assets in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and finance.