
Bolivia has seen a significant surge in crypto transactions following the lifting of the Bitcoin ban earlier this year. The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) reported a staggering 141% increase in virtual asset transactions over the last three months, signaling a move towards economic modernization in the country.

The Rise of Crypto Transactions in Bolivia

Since the ban on Bitcoin was lifted in June, Bolivia has experienced a rapid increase in virtual asset transactions. The average monthly trade volume shot up to $15.6 million between July and September, a significant rise from $7.6 million in the first half of the year. This surge brought the total transaction value for the quarter to $46.8 million, surpassing the previous six months.

The enactment of Resolution 082/2024 on June 25 paved the way for the use of electronic payment methods for buying and selling virtual assets in Bolivia. Stablecoins have been the primary currency used in these transactions, highlighting a preference for more stable forms of digital currency in the country.

Government Support for Crypto Adoption

BCB acting president Edwin Rojas expressed the institution’s commitment to leading the way in crypto asset adoption in Bolivia. He stated during a press briefing, “We are making rapid progress toward an economy that embraces digital financial tools.” The government’s support for virtual assets has been evident in its collaboration with regulatory bodies like the Financial System Supervisory Authority (ASFI) and the Financial Investigations Unit.

The number of virtual asset transactions in Bolivia increased by 141% from 932,000 to 1,123,000 over the same period, indicating a growing acceptance of digital currencies among financial institutions and individual users. Six financial intermediaries have started processing virtual asset transactions through electronic payment methods, with the majority of trades being conducted by individuals.

Modernizing Bolivia’s Economy

Rojas Ulo emphasized the importance of the shift towards virtual assets in modernizing Bolivia’s economy and integrating it with global markets. The government sees this regulation as a key step in providing citizens with alternative ways to handle cross-border transfers and electronic payments. By embracing digital financial tools, Bolivia aims to stay competitive in the global economy and improve financial inclusion for its citizens.

Since the implementation of the regulation, the BCB has integrated virtual assets into its 2024 Economic and Financial Education Program. The program includes workshops aimed at educating the public on virtual assets, their operation, and the associated risks. More than 3,000 people have participated in these workshops, demonstrating a growing interest and understanding of digital currencies in Bolivia.

The BCB remains committed to fostering economic stability and development through its initiatives to promote the adoption of virtual assets. By working closely with regulatory bodies and financial institutions, Bolivia is paving the way for a more modern and efficient financial system that embraces digital innovations.

In conclusion, Bolivia’s decision to lift the Bitcoin ban has led to a significant increase in virtual asset transactions, signaling a shift towards economic modernization and digital financial tools in the country. With government support and regulatory guidance, Bolivia is on track to integrate virtual assets into its economy and improve financial inclusion for its citizens.