For the past 10 years, Cedric has worked in an agency in the south of France. Between dysfunction, distress of the unemployed and announcements of government, he tells of his daily life.
“I am attached to my profession and to public service values, but now I’m worried. The cloud, the outsourcing of certain tasks, the conflicting orders to which we are subject in internal and in front of us, job seekers are often desperate…, hard not to let it undermine.
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Some colleagues are burning-out or close to being. Even I am not immune. And the future is anything but reassuring with the increasing control of the unemployed and the overhaul of the unemployment insurance according to me, prefigures its privatization.
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I’m dealing with 300 job seekers on the 10 000 registered in the agency. I can follow seriously more than 40 or 50 files per week. The pace is sustained, it always has been. I imagine that it is even worse in a parisian agency.
Some mornings I get up to five people in my office to finalize the registration, to define their professional project, etc, It takes 40 minutes of maintenance for each. How to stay effective and relevant to the end? Not to mention the dozen of applications from the simple to the complex, arriving by email every day.
Of impatience, tension…
I spend two half days in the home, either behind the counter to meet the demands of the public, either at computer kiosks, as from February 2016, the registration with the employment must be done on the Internet. The process can be arduous even for those experienced, so imagine the difficulty for someone not knowing how to read or write to or without an email address.
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In the lobby, the queue can go up to twenty people. This created impatience, tension, sometimes of anti-social behaviour, or incidents. We are trained to manage conflict. But it is delicate, it reacts with what is on the time.
The service provider that’s not used for anything
Almost every day, I have to solve critical situations related to the allowances: payment delays, too seen that are generated wrongly. The team that manages compensation is overburdened, and with the outsourcing of services, the faults accumulate. The provider is supposed to lighten our team beating down his work and turns in the agency as a whole in the gas plant. The problem is known, but the whole world is caught in the crossfire.
Another aberration: the service provider which is of no use. Pôle emploi has purchased a service for job seekers… autonomous! And if the quota is not reached, the agency pays penalties. We put the pressure to prescribe this service. We are a few to resist…
The offer of reasonable employment is unenforceable
I note that the typology of job seekers is changing: I get more senior citizens and young people. I am almost 50 years old and I have in front of me of people of my age, experienced, who tell me that they are damned and are wondering what I going to do for them. At the other end, young people without experience feel they have no chance of finding a job. It is necessary to open opportunities, encourage, motivate…
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So when I hear that a reasonable job offer (ORE) will be enhanced, I get angry. It is unenforceable! As a consultant, I have the “offers”, I do not require that a job seeker accepts it. If he refuses, the radiation lasts for 15 days, but it is relatively rare. It is pronounced by some of the controllers working in the regional Directorate.
* The name has been changed
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Their number is called to grow [200 in France 1000, editor’s note] and it is likely that the radiation pattern OERS refused, or insufficient job search are escalating. But for the time being, the radiation pattern is the most prevalent regarding the lack of non-justified to an appointment at the job center…”
* The name has been changed