Champagneproducenten expect this year to 100 million bottles, bottles store, he said, Began Champagnewijncomité (CIVC) on Thursday. This is equivalent to a third of normal sales. Due to the economic downturn and the closure of cafes and restaurants to keep the bottles on the shelf.

with The collapse of the sale, according to the CIVC, similar to the sale in the second world war. The club champagnemakers think that the damage done by the loss of sales that can be up to 1.7 billion euros.

the CIVC is expected that the champagneverkopen at least until the end of the year, lower than the corona of an outbreak. “We are hoping that we will never sell any of the hotels, bars and restaurants, and the doors are open and people are back to normal and be more optimistic of life,” says the vice-president, Maxime Toubart.

you will get a bottle of champagne at the end of this year it will be cheaper than at other times. Producers will be able to choose to have their champagnevoorraad at a lower price in order to sell it to make some money.

in Order to make sure that the cupboards do not have to fill up, so champagnevereniging Thursday, which is a part of the grape harvest this year-made champagne until 2022, it made it.

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