Distracted, or stolen, your checkbook may be the subject of a fraudulent use that could harm a lot longer than you think. Explanations.
as Soon as you notice the loss or theft of your cheque book, you need to do opposition. Unless your institution allows it on its website, you must notify your bank by phone or go directly to the counter. This opposition on cheque book will be charged.
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If you do by phone or even on the Internet, you will then have to confirm it in writing, preferably by registered letter with advice of receipt. This confirmation is important because the banker, in the absence of written, may not maintain the objection and must pay the cheques that are presented to him.
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however, It may differ a day or two of the cashing of cheques, the time for you to send him your e-mail. You will need to indicate the reason for your opposition, loss or theft, and, if possible, the numbers of the cheques or of the series of the checkbook. If it is a theft, you will also need to make a statement to the police.
If you have met all these conditions, the opposition shall take effect on the same day in all the agencies of the bank. Therefore, if it pays a cheque, she makes a mistake that incurs responsibility and must pay you the amount charged. If your bank branch is closed (for example at the weekend) you can declare the loss or theft of your cheque book to the national Centre of appeal of lost or stolen cheques, call 08 92 68 32 08. This approach you will be invoiced 0.35 euro TTC per minute plus the price of a call. This service of the Bank of France is accessible 24 hours on 24 and seven days a week.
renew every year
The information on the loss or theft of your cheque book is sent immediately to the national register of cheques irregular, available, on subscription, by cheque recipients (mainly merchants and service providers). But it is cleared at the end of a period of 48 hours. For example, a recorded statement on a Friday night will be eliminated from the file on the Tuesday evening. It is therefore imperative to confirm your opposition as soon as possible to your agency. It applies in principle for a period of one year eight days.
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If you have lost or you are actually steal a cheque book and no filled, thus, it is prudent to renew your objection every year. In effect, if the validity of a signed cheque is one year, there is no expiration date for a check or a checkbook virgin.