Ciudadanos wants the PSOE to express its position in Congress regarding a possible referendum on self-determination in Catalonia and that, together with the rest of the parliamentary groups, support an initiative that urges the Government “not to assume” any referendum in the autonomous community and to recover the criminalization of calling illegal consultations for authorities who call them “without powers”.
To this end, it has registered a motion as a consequence of the interpellation that he addressed to the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, on December 21, after the parliamentary partners of ERC proposed a referendum in Catalonia after the suppression of the crime of sedition and modification of embezzlement.
“We are facing the first Executive in constitutional history that reduces penalties for corruption. It does so to fulfill its promises with ERC, what the Government and the independentistas call ‘dejudicialize’ the ‘procés’ and its consequences,” laments the party of Inés Arrimadas in the text of the motion.
For this reason, the motion, which will be debated in the next ordinary plenary session, specifically demands that the Executive commits “not to assume any consultation” in Catalonia regarding the organization of the State and demands the dissolution of “the blackmail table” that they maintain the central and Catalan governments.
In the same way, it calls for “reversing the scrapping of the Criminal Code to the extent of convicted criminals” with an aggravation of the penalties so that events such as the 2017 consultation are classified as rebellion, based on the expansion of this crime. In addition, he asks to recover sedition and reverse the reduction of sentences for political embezzlers.
Likewise, it demands that the Government commit to cease “the policy of transfers to nationalist formations” that has prevailed “for decades” in Spain and “try” the reinforcement of equality between Spaniards with reforms such as the elimination of the distinction between ‘ nationalities and regions’ in article 2 of the Constitution to include in its place ‘nation of free and equals’, as already proposed by Ciudadanos.
Ciudadanos also recalls that the modifications to the Criminal Code included amendments with which the PSOE intended to modify the system of election and arrival of the two candidates to the Constitutional Court (TC) appointed by the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). Finally, its process was paralyzed by the TC itself, which admitted an appeal by the PP against said amendments.
The ‘orange’ formation censors the “inflammatory speech” of the Government after the court’s decision and accuses it of acting “with an absolute sensation of impunity and that anything goes as long as it controls all the powers of the State in order to impose its agenda politics”.
“The degradation of the institutions is so evident, so obscene, that not even the slightest caution is observed in acting under the protection of legal forms,” ??he adds, while clarifying that the “stubborn will” of the Government to “take over the control of the TC” is due to the fact that the body can “endorse the perks that PSOE and Podemos are willing to cede to separatism, namely: a referendum in Catalonia”.
Thus, Ciudadanos asks in his motion to reverse “immediately” the “growing deterioration” that the Government “is causing on democratic institutions and on the legal system” committing to “cease” public statements that “coerce or signal” to the magistrates and judges of the TC, as well as the “questioning” of the work of the courts. Also through “firm compliance” with any of the TC’s decisions, respecting its position as the guarantor of the Constitution.