Abascal (Vox) is the only leader of the invited opposition parties who has confirmed his attendance
Madrid’s Plaza de Cibeles is the place chosen by more than a hundred associations and civil society groups to demonstrate this Saturday against the Government of Pedro Sánchez and decisions such as the reform of the Penal Code with which crimes have been modified for which the pro-independence leaders of the ‘procés’ were convicted, eliminating that of sedition and lowering the penalties for embezzlement.
A protest that has been called, according to the organizers, so that it is the disgruntled citizens and not the parties, which will be in the background, who give a “massive civic and combative response” to the coalition Executive chaired by the socialist Pedro Sánchez .
The concentration, which begins at 12:00, is limited to Plaza de Cibeles, around the stage that is going to be set up. From there, the organizers and those who support the demonstration denounce that the country is in a “serious situation” of a “global crisis” in the political, economic and social spheres.
One of the main triggers for the protest are the recent changes in the Penal Code, an initiative with which the Government –according to the promoters of the call– is “adapting” the Penal Code to the “interests of its transgressors” and after pardoning them.
The conveners believe that this is how they are taking the first steps of a “hidden” and “long-range” plan with which they intend to make a “constitutional mutation through illegitimate channels.”
In the same way, they censure that Moncloa “colonizes” in a “partisan” way institutions such as the Constitutional Court, that ETA terrorists take to the streets “or that the entry into force of the ‘only yes is yes’ law designed by the Ministry of Equality has led to reductions in sentences and the release of sexual offenders.
Under the slogan ‘For Spain, democracy and the Constitution’, behind this call, and in addition to the organizers, are platforms such as Unión 78, Libres e Iguales, Neos, Convivencia Cívica Catalana, S’ha Acabat, Dignidad y Justicia, Dialogues in Freedom or the Association for Tolerance, among others.
The leader of Foro España Cívica, Mariano Gomá, assured in statements to Europa Press that the situation “is limiting and alarming enough to summon civil society against this completely destructive attack.”
And he explained that the idea of ????the mobilization arose in December, as a result of the Executive of PSOE and Podemos deciding that if “he did not like one thing, he would change the law and that was it”, after “squeezing” him from the Republican Left if he wanted to continue counting on your votes.
Gomá has experience in this type of act, since he chaired the Catalan Civil Society, the entity that promoted the constitutionalist demonstration that on October 8, 2017, brought together one million people in Barcelona, ??seven days after the illegal referendum.
And he warned that Moncloa modifies laws so that there can be a “referendum” in Catalonia and stressed that with the Cibeles protest they also want to respond to the “lack of aid” by the Government due to the rise in the price of food, the light or fuel.
Gomá advanced that the political parties “will not go up” on the stage and the convening associations are not expected to have much prominence, to which “more are added every day.” The reading of the manifesto will be carried out by Júlia Calvet and Nacho Trillo, two young leaders of participating groups.
The leader of the España Cívica Forum reported that there will be a delimited area for the representatives of the invited parties (PP, Vox and Ciudadanos) as “advantageous spectators”, but that the demonstration has not been made for the “glory” of the political formations, although they recognize its “fundamental social strength”.
For now, of the leaders of the three parties, only the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has announced that he will attend. The national leadership of the PP plans to delegate its representation to the deputy secretary for Regional and Local Coordination, Pedro Rollán, while from Ciudadanos the deputies Inés Arrimadas and Guillermo Díaz, as well as the deputy mayor of Madrid, Begoña Villacís, plan to attend, according to the sources consulted by Europa Press.
The former UPyD deputy and promoter of Unión 78, Rosa Díez, conveyed her desire that the protest serve as a “reunion” for the “majority” that is “pissed off” with Sánchez’s policies. At the same time, she encouraged anyone “beyond” his ideology to attend, even if she has voted “all her life to the left.”
And he has considered an “insult” that Sánchez equated the pro-independence protest that took place yesterday in Barcelona against the Spanish-French Summit with the demonstration this Saturday in Madrid. “He shows that he is concerned,” he assured.