Allocation reduced, radiation… The sanctions on the unemployed will be at the centre of the reform of unemployment insurance, which opens on 11 January. The runs studied.
The topic will be in the early 2018. For his first interview of the year, January 4, on France Inter, Muriel Pénicaud, minister of Labour, spoke of the issue of explosive potential, of the control of the unemployed. If it considers that it can lead to “more coaching” for job seekers, the minister is well kept to go into the details, ensuring that she was expecting in the matter of the proposals of the social partners.
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Initially, this question was similar to the one on the governance of unemployment insurance, does not meet that of the government. He had assured the trade unions and employers ‘ organisations, in a guidance document sent on 14 December, he would make suggestions for “a reform of the fee schedule and terms of sanctions in the coming weeks”.
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Rue de Grenelle, we are assured today that the idea of investing in this topic comes from the social partners themselves. “We actually met after receipt of the letter of the minister, and we were several trade union organisations to be willing to treat all the topics of this negotiation,” says Michel Beaugas FO. And I think after the early controversy on the note published by le Canard enchaîné, they were happy to dilute a little bit the question back to us.”
“Benefits reduced immediately by 50%”
In full Christmas truce, the flight of the Duck has actually generated a stir. On the 27th of December, the newspaper revealed elements which would be from a note by the director of cabinet Antoine Foucher. The spirit of the text: to harden the sanctions against the unemployed who do not play the game. “If Pôle emploi is estimated that the unemployed worker does not search actively enough for the job, or if he refuses training, or declines two offers of employment which is deemed acceptable, its benefits will be immediately reduced by 50% for a period of two months.” In case of repeated violations, the allocation would be “outright deleted, for two months.”
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The government would consider also the requirement for job seekers, fill out an activity report monthly, detailing their actions to find the way to work. Way to encourage them to maintain a certain dynamic in their search or ultimate object of police infiltration? In mid-October, Pierre Gattaz had in any case proposed a “daily control of the unemployed”, before softening his speech by referring to a control “monthly”. An activity report based on this periodicity seems to directly echo the suggestions of the boss of the Medef.
“We are going to restore order in all this”
On France Inter, Muriel Pénicaud was therefore neither reversed nor confirmed these tracks, but insisted on the “inconsistency” of the sanctions system current. “If you don’t go to a meeting or an appointment, you can be suspended for two months, however, if you are not looking for work, you can be suspended for fifteen days. So we’re going to restore order in all this to make it more logical.”
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There are other situations where the radiation is “only” fifteen days (or six months in case of repeated violations): the refusal to follow a training course, the refusal to sign an apprenticeship contract, professionalization, or a contract helped, the refusal to enter in an insert action. At re-registration, job seekers may see their allocations reduced by 20% for two to six months (in the case of recidivism, the reduction is 50%, and the right to the allowances may even be deleted).
“they knew They fraudaient”
Among the reasons for write-off within two months (or six months in case of repeated violations), the fact that they did not make it to an appointment, as recalled by the minister, but also the refusal to develop or update with the counsellor his / her personalised plan for accessing employment (PPAE), to submit to a medical examination, aptitude, or not to accept, on two occasions, an offer of reasonable employment. In all of these situations, the job seeker may, if he is re-registered, having their allocations removed for two months (and even permanently in case of recurrence).
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job seekers fraudsters who make false statements in order to be or stay enrolled in unemployment insurance, may be written off for six to twelve months, and be punished by a fine of 30 000 euros. The income tax returns to be false or does not declare its income may lead to a permanent deletion of the allocation of the return to employment (ARE).
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On 269 000 controls carried out in two years by the services of Pôle emploi (targeted for 66% of them, random in 34% of cases), 14% resulted in a write-off. “It is very interesting to see that out of these 14%, very very few people are able to re-write behind, so this proves that they knew they fraudaient,” believes the minister of Labour, adding that, for this type of people, “it will be necessary that the hand does not shake”. Of course, understood that the tightening of sanctions is particularly important.