So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expense

the national Museum takes coronapandemien seriously, and supports the naturally, the authorities ‘ measures. The most important thing now is to limit the virusspredningen and to save the most possible lives. At the same time, we see that a range of actors in society affected hard financially, including Norwegian artists, craftspeople and designers.

Karin Hindsbo, director of the national Museum. Show more

the Closure of the kulturarenaer throughout the country has an immediate consequence for the artists, who largely base their economy on fees from events. Sale of art is another source of revenue that has disappeared overnight for many, because the exhibits are cancelled.

If many need in respirator Debate

Already before the weekend asked the artist and bransjeorganisasjonene about immediate measures to ensure a vulnerable industry through an economic crisis. Monday came, fortunately, in place a broad political consensus on a krisepakke, which includes inntektskompensasjon and extraordinary arrangements for the sick and omsorgspenger under coronapandemien. On Wednesday came the government with a scheme for the cultural life of approximately nok 300 million, which should compensate for the loss of revenue.

This is welcome help to the artists, but there are several challenges. Many artists have kombinasjonsinntekt where kunstnervirket runs parallel with, for example, a lærervikarjobb, or work in nightlife and galleries. Many have from one day to another lost all their sources of income in an already difficult economic everyday life. For young artists in the establishment phase, it is particularly vulnerable.

Coronapandemien can also provide more long-term effects. it is designed so that investments in arts and culture among the people cut first and most in when revenues fall. When the business is experiencing omsetningsfall, investors see the stock exchanges race and more and more people are being laid off because of coronapandemien, switch this much into the business and husholdningers economy.

Crisis of culture-Norway Debate

the Crisis may therefore go beyond the Norwegian galleries and exhibition spaces, which bases its economy on percentages of sales, when they open again. Even if the exhibits come in time, it is far from certain that the kunstsalget when the same level as previously. According to the Norwegian association of visual Artists fell kunstomsetningen in the Uk, with 34 per cent in the aftermath of the financial crisis. A similar fall now would mean that the visual arts will lose 160 million in revenue from førstehåndssalg in the coming year. Here, we should see more industry-specific measures from the authorities.

The long-term consequences of coronapandemien are difficult to predict and will show themselves fully only later. this Can in the worst case go beyond the diversity of artistic practices and businesses in the arts and cultural life? Artists are an already vulnerable group, we cannot risk that many need to add up. It had been a big loss for Norway, both in the short and the long run.

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