These gels are then distributed free of charge to 100 hospitals to help deal with the epidemic of sars coronavirus.

The industrial chemical sector organize themselves to produce 100 000 litres of hydroalcoholic gel per day, covering the needs of 100 hospitals to help deal with the epidemic of coronavirus, has announced this Monday their federation.

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“Large groups, ETI (a company of intermediate size), or SMES, many companies are able to produce soon a total of 100 000 litres per day, or approximately the equivalent of the needs of 100 public hospitals in regional coverage,” says France Chemistry in a press release.

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Meet the needs of health personnel

The federation noted that, in the context of a public health crisis of the Covid-19, “the demand for hydroalcoholic gel continues to increase, despite the considerable efforts of traditional suppliers”. “All needs are not covered and demand for health services is likely to grow”, adds France Chemistry.

The industrial chemistry “were therefore mobilized to supplement the supply and production of hydroalcoholic gel” in redirecting lines of production, while the producers of all the materials entering in the composition of the gel (isopropanol, a thickener, hydrogen peroxide) will increase their production.

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last week, the group of specialty chemicals Arkema announced reorient a manufacturing line to produce twenty tons per week of hydroalcoholic solution for the free distribution and emergency relief to French hospitals.