While thousands of companies are threatened with bankruptcy, the déconfinement is too partial, vague and late, supports a collective of bosses.

It is too early to déconfiner totally. But it is already late to start this great plan of déconfinement that would have had to start immediately. The economy is not afraid of anything, except uncertainty. France is blocked as it moves forward to the blind. Let’s give him the view. Decide according to the mood of the journal of 20 hours is the strong signal of a weak policy. The horror of this must not become the tool of steering the country. It leads to punish the whole country for a two-hit areas. We must quickly look beyond. The containment has already resulted in an economic shock to a major. This shock is going to eat away the country, and in priority to the most fragile. It could lead to even more pain social epidemic.

It is for this reason that he should get out as soon as April, according to the state of each region. A plan that is designed by listening to all stakeholders, not only a scientific committee, which is not armed for aggregating the priorities of both the health, social, legal and economic. This is not one or the other, but the one and the other. Not the economy, or the man, but both at the same time. In designing this plan, it is necessary to take a little height out of respect for all. Don’t think only of to an illness that would have affected less than one in ten French, and that kills less than 31 per 100 000. See that a large part of the country is virtually unaffected, requires not just a vision of the paris of the reality. The health crisis is less relevant to smaller territories, but their will be more harmful. Save-the. Even fight for the associations, which are essential in France.

The economy, or the man, the false debate

emergency measures have been taken, yes. Useful measures for the cash flow of enterprises battered by a sudden stop of the activity. It guarantees loans to businesses. But the European central bank will facilitate the financing of a public debt which will explode, emitting a currency of monkey. Inadequate and harmful.

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The compensation of loss of revenue should be the sole obsession. The loans go above all to enterprises that would have obtained in normal time, but denied the most vulnerable, who are most in need. Darwinism ? They are in danger of disappearing by the tens of thousands, particularly among the merchants, the artisans. They will soon pay, dressed in yellow, because they hoped to be this lifeline.

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Prepare a plan of déconfinement, this is not to focus on “the Grant life” is to show the respect of men, in medium-sized towns, rural, abandoned, whose survival depends on their businesses. France, it is 82% of VSES and SMES, primarily with fewer than 20 employees. Weak human beings, who do not have the oxygen to hold more than two months. Beyond that, they are going to die, their jobs with. Of the jobs that we do not get lost.

The containment is a terrible indicator of our past failures, that appear in the middle of the day. It accentuates the difference with the disadvantaged neighbourhoods, which sinks faster than the other. Work at home collapses. Thousands of single women, can no longer feed their families, especially when they are not reported. Violence against women and children, it explodes. How to explain to them that this is the price to pay for not to overflow the Parisian hospitals.

The recession, a breeding ground of populism

The challenge, of course, is economic. It is obviously social. It is also sanitary. Solidarity with caregivers and that is to work to provide them with an economy able to invest for them and for us, tomorrow. This is why you should also remove the right of withdrawal. The issue is also political. Listen to those who remind us that the recession is always the result of the populism, the temptation of the worst. Are we willing to succumb to the extreme ? Selfishness is stronger, and Europe offers a sad spectacle of disunity.

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To ensure the plan, the sanitary measures must be finally ready : containment of the more fragile, cooperation with the private clinics, tests for the greatest number, application digital QR code to let it work for healthy people, masks for all, use of drugs that work… But this plan must also be economic and social.

The countries that have better early than us, Austria, Germany, Korea or Hong-Kong, réouvrent or have never closed. Déconfinons the debate ! The longer we wait, the greater the temptation to pay the price of poor political management by all will be great, but impossible. This infringement of our freedom to address the failure of our health care system is untenable. We are NOT at war. The war is something else.

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Maxime Aiach (Acadomia and PSPA), will close Azouz (of feminism, popular), Gilles Babinet (digital champion EEC), Dominique Calmels (instuoit Sapiens), Stéphanie Cardot (Todotoday), Denis Jacquet (entrepreneur, author and founder, Day One Movement), Olivier Mathiot (former Price Minister, The Camp), Arnaud Mourot (Ashoka), Richard Straub (Peter Drucker Forum), Bruno Teboul (author of Ubérisation = Economy torn apart? and entrepreneur in digital, Natanael Wright (Wall street institute).