The sectors are subject to restrictions, such as the tourism, the culture or the restoration, will, however, continue to receive support to 100%.
The companies will pay 15% of the part-time unemployment, from 1 June “to support the recovery of economic activity”, announced the ministry of Labour on Monday. The support of partial unemployment by the State and Unédic goes from 100% to 85% of the compensation paid to the employee, in the limit unchanged 4.5 times the Minimum wage, says the ministry in its press release.
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the compensation paid to The employee is the same : during the activity part, it collects a minimum of 70% of his gross pay (approximately 84% of the net salary) and a minimum of the MINIMUM wage net. This measure will be implemented by decree, following the adoption of a draft law under review in Parliament which will include a modulation device according to the sectors of activity.
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to Encourage the resumption of activity
The sectors which are the subject of legislative restrictions or specific regulatory because of the health crisis”, as the tourism, the culture or the restoration, “will continue to receive support at 100%”, underlines the ministry. This makes it “to encourage the resumption of activity in the sectors which are not subjected to more constraints to the recovery, while preserving the sectors that remain closed or highly impacted”, he adds.
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According to estimates by the ministry, approximately 8.6 million employees would have been actually placed in April in the activity partial – the official name of the part-time unemployment -, authorized on a massive scale in order to avoid an explosion of unemployment in France, whose economy has been hit hard by the sars coronavirus. The cost of this scheme was estimated to be approximately 24 billion euros over three months, from march to may.