He criticizes the “homing pigeons” and considers it an insult that they are offered financing and the transfer of Rodalies
The president of Junts, Laura Borràs, has transferred to the socialist leader and acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the responsibility of negotiating his investiture with Junts, considering that he is “the one who has something at stake”.
“He has a responsibility and he will know perfectly how to exercise it, not with homing pigeons,” he said in an interview this Friday in ‘Vilaweb’ collected by Europa Press, in which he claimed to address the referendum and amnesty at a negotiating table between Generalitat and Government.
The independence leader has reiterated that they are not afraid of going to an electoral repetition because, in her opinion, Junts has nothing to lose.
He explained that they do not define “any framework for the negotiations” and that a possible socialist proposal with the transfer of Rodalies and an improvement in the financing system is -in his words- insulting people’s intelligence.
“Do they want us to sit down to negotiate so that they give us something that already belongs to us? Then it means that they don’t know what negotiation means,” he said.
Asked about the application of article 25.4 by the Board of Parliament to suspend her from the presidency of the Catalan Chamber, she has assured that “it is indigestible”, although she has maintained that -in her words- the wounds are left aside for work in favor of the independence movement.
He has also assured that the pardon is not an option that he has ever foreseen and has separated him from the above negotiations between PSOE and Junts: “If I had wanted a personal solution, I would have agreed with the Prosecutor’s Office.”
She has maintained that both she and the former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, work for –literally–collective solutions and that the amnesty must be for “the group of those retaliated by the State.”
He has affirmed that “the fight of the Spanish State against President Puigdemont has not ended. It is a fight by land, sea and air”, and has said that the ex-minister and president of the National Council of the party, Josep Rull, is an asset of first for the next Catalan elections.
The president of Junts has questioned the credibility of ERC upon entering the Government of the Diputació de Barcelona and has warned that “not all the votes that go to pro-independence parties” translate into advancing towards independence.
“But as far as I know, we will achieve independence with the independentistas, we will not do it with the unionists,” he pointed out, and reiterated his party’s will to redo a joint strategic direction.