The high commissioner to the pension reform wishes to “allow” the retirees who are working on the “get extra points”.

The high commissioner to the pension reform, Jean-Paul Delevoye, hopes to “soften” the device of overlapping employment-retirement in order to “allow” the retirees who are working on the “get extra points”, he explains in an interview in the Sunday Newspaper.

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“Those who have chosen to receive their pension while continuing to work acquire today no new law. We will consider with the social partners on the conditions in which the recovery of activity could enable to obtain extra points. […] The devices of the overlapping employment-retirement and phased retirement are too little used because it is very framed. We therefore want to relax,” says Jean-Paul Delevoye at the JDD.

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Maintenance of the legal age of 62 years

The high commissioner also wants that internships “are bearers of rights, which is not sufficiently the case at present”. Returning to the question of the minimum legal age of retirement, currently set at 62 years, Jean-Paul Delevoye ensures that”there is no wolf”, and reaffirms that this age will be maintained, it is even “a certainty”.

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“We are not hidden […] in Accordance with the commitments made by the president and the Prime minister on 10 October last, the reform is based on a minimum legal age of retirement to 62 years in the new universal system”, he says.

Asked about the indexation of pensions on wages and on inflation, the high commissioner considers that “if the points are acquired through the wage, they must (s)opinions evolve like wages”. But “pensions, they can evolve as the inflation to ensure their purchasing power, or as wages if we want to share the fruits of growth. It is a very political question, which is not dealt with today,” he says.

proposals early June

Regarding the timing of the reform, “we will give at least five years of preparation between the time when the law would be passed and the entry into force of the new system”, said Jean-Paul Delevoye.

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“We complete the cycle of discussions on the 6th of may. We will be ready to submit our proposals in early June,” he says. “But I am attentive to the expressions of citizens born in the great debate. If the government considers that there is emergency legislation to address this, the calendar could be put off.”