The Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda, Lilith Verstrynge, promises to push the parliamentary process of what is known as the ‘Stolen Babies Law’ so that it is urgently approved in the remainder of the legislature.
This regulatory proposal, which was considered by Congress in June 2020, has seen its period for amendments extended up to 146 times, which “prevents its final approval and the consequent reparation to the victims.”
According to sources from the Ministry of Social Rights, Verstrynge held a meeting with representatives of the organizations that support and promote this bill, such as ‘All stolen children are also my children’, CeAqua (state coordinator of support for the Argentine complaint against crimes of Francoism) or Amnesty International, among others. To all of them he expressed his willingness to reinvigorate the parliamentary processing of the law.
“Our country cannot afford not to resolve the pending debt with the relatives and those affected by the babies stolen during the Franco regime. It is a matter of reparation and memory that not only those affected and international human rights associations have been demanding, but also The European Parliament and the UN have required our country to recognize all those affected by this crime as victims,” ??Verstrynge explained in statements sent to the media.
He has also said that this pending regulation, which already had the “total” consensus of Congress in the previous legislature, “has to continue its process so that it can be materialized as soon as possible.”
Among other aspects, the law contemplates recognizing and ensuring the rights to truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition with various measures, among which are: the guarantee of the right to access all types of archives, both public and private (especially those of clinics and hospitals, and those of the Catholic Church); carrying out exhumations paid for by the Ministry of Justice; free medical, legal, and psychological care, and public authorities carrying out information and dissemination campaigns so that “this crime against humanity will never happen again.”
In addition, a Special Prosecutor’s Office, a Special Investigation Unit of the Judicial Police and a State Commission for the Right to Identity would be created, as well as a national DNA Base (whose tests will be free) and the participation of victims would be established through through their representatives in some of the organizations and tools created.