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In the Newspaper the 25. may writes Nicolay B. Johansen that to point out racism when one sees it, is “political laziness” – but I can say with confidence that there to take up the subject of racism in the Uk today requires above average a lot of strength and courage.

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In his criticism of the Sindre Bangstad and Bjørn E. Bertelsens analysis of how the French and Moland coverage based on, and perpetuate, racial narratives, shows] that it is he himself who has laid on the latsiden. He has neither put themselves into what Bangstad and Bertelsen trying to communicate, or what the term “racism” means.

Johansen promote an understanding of racism as only individual attitudes, which an individual either is racist or not, a good man or not. As the author Robin diAngelo writes, hides such a binary understanding of the concept of “the structural character of racism, and makes it difficult for us to see or understand”.

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contrary to what Johansen writes, there is a meaningful understanding of racism, which also makes it clear why it is essential to point out the underlying racism in the French and Moland, coverage, and other attitudes and practices which are deemed “socially acceptable” in today’s society.

Racism is more than extreme personal attitudes and actions – it is a structural phenomenon that exists in a specific historical and social context. the

Although there are different forms of racism depending on the time and place, it is generally a global phenomenon where people rasifisert as white, are attributed to the power and privileges, while the people rasifisert as “the other” / “non-white”, based on factors such as ethnicity, skin colour and religion, are discriminated against.

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Racist structures are an integral part of our society, and racism is reproduced through attitudes and practices seen as everyday and normal. French and Moland coverage perpetuate racist narratives about “us” and “the other”, which in turn helps to maintain existing power structures, where white is placed on the top.

It is therefore important to be able to point out racism in cases where it is not carried out with the overlay. What is important is the outcome of the statements and practices. Racism is all namely not necessarily about “what we meant”, but about the consequences what we have said, or done, has for individuals who experience racism.

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We are pointing out racism do it because it is necessary to highlight how racism works so that we can actively work against it. We’re not trying to “win the discussion” – we’re trying to put in the time an important and long-awaited discussion.

Some are consciously racist, the other not. We who genuinely want to fight against racism, have to actively reflect on our own racial attitudes to help us learn with them. It does not help to whine over some “undeserved” has called us, or any other racist. It is just laziness.

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