
The Web3 Foundation recently announced that they have provided funding to Dot Play in order to enhance the gaming ecosystem on Polkadot. Dot Play’s main goal is to revolutionize game development on the platform and attract new talent to the network.

With the Decentralized Futures Grant from the Web3 Foundation, Dot Play will be focusing on creating a platform for game developers that utilizes Polkadot’s advanced technology. Their project will prioritize high-growth gaming genres by developing integration tools and offering business support within the Polkadot ecosystem.

In addition to providing a gaming portal for new developers, Dot Play will also be supporting initiatives like the Indy 500 Polkadot Car sponsorship. They will offer technical integration to assist projects in developing blockchain solutions that work seamlessly with Polkadot’s technology.

Furthermore, the grant will enable Dot Play to establish ecosystem tooling and partnerships, such as developing SDKs for Unity and Unreal and other essential game development tools for Polkadot. The Web3 Foundation believes that this funding will help create a sustainable and thriving gaming ecosystem within Polkadot, with plans to evolve based on community feedback and industry trends.

Looking ahead, Dot Play aims to secure additional funding and partnerships to further support gaming projects. The team behind Dot Play includes experts from both the blockchain and gaming sectors, such as Signum Growth CEO and founder Angela Dalton, Visible Realms CEO Eliza Jäppinen, Ajuna co-founder Nick Douzinas, and gaming analyst Keshav Holani.

It is important to note that while CryptoSlate has received a grant from the Polkadot Foundation to cover content related to the Polkadot ecosystem, they maintain editorial independence and control over the content they produce. This initiative by the Web3 Foundation and Dot Play highlights the growing importance of gaming within the blockchain industry and the potential for innovation and growth within the Polkadot network.